The Maintenance Within

They have had 6 months of Tuesdays.

Every condescending point you make has zero merit behind it.

Like, what are you even here for?


They just really enjoy the taste of boots, I guess.


well sir you have more empathy than me lol. i know you werent actually suggesting it was a battle pet fix

Wish more people on both sides of this argument, had this mind set…lol

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maybe they will fix how many mobs in this game are stuck in walls and are un targetable untile you turn your back then they spontaneously pop out wall

To all those Blizzard White Knights out there, the point is that BLIZZARD SHOULD HAVE DONE IT RIGHT IN THE FIRST PLACE so that this much maintenance would not be required. If it wasn’t broken they would not have to attempt to fix it SO OFTEN.

So Blizzard MESSED UP and now they are trying to fix it…over and over and over again.


You claimed you wanted a single day of down time.

  1. That constitues a single day for an entire patches worth of content and bugs and fixes.

So do you want problems to persist for 6 months and a single day of down time to fix before the next patch?

Do you want a single day of down time in the first week and nothing again until next patch?

How exactly do you want a single days worth of down time to be handled?

this dude thinks were suggesting 1 tuesday every 6 months? we shouldnt even be 6 months worth of bugs behind schedule, ideally it would be you fix a week worth of bugs or am i just dumb

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Nah, that was intentional, it came with the game…it was called the “Rogue feature” and they gave it to us for free!

but maybe we should be able to see who acctually checked into the office at blizzard headquarters. so we could see they have 1 person trying to address 6 million lines of code

maintenance go brr

Its not pantented actually, Anet doesnt own a pantent for instances within a mega server. Or game in general. Same with the no down time there isnt a patent for that either. As warframe also uses this concept. I mean i even tried looking up the patent and it doesnt exist. Blizzard has the ability to change there tech, trust me they have the money and the employees to do it.

Hi, a friendly reminder that Final Fantasy 14 close for maintenance for 3 days for their new expansion… so that we have a couple of 1-2-3-4 hour patch from time to time seem pretty legitimate…
How badly you guy need to play video games is kind of crazy to me

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Genuine question, do you think products intentionally release with bugs?

Lol, even the WoW forums are broken and need maintenance. Your avatar thinks you’re an Orc.


were addicted, and so are you

100% downtime for a day instead of 10-15% spread out over multiple days is dumb and a bad business plan and thats why you dont see that happening

Because they are a small indie company working out of their garage right? Its not like they are a multi BILLION dollar company…

You are not responding in good faith.

The poster said they’d prefer all maintenance done on a single day.
Each day of the week happens once per week.
That means they could be advocating for a single patch day every week.

How are you distorting that into “one patch every 6 months” just so you can delude yourself into thinking you’ve made a point?


What annoys me is when the servers are down it does not say so on the launcher.

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