The Maintenance Within

nah dude i dont think anyone here is arguing from a legal standpoint


He has to keep shifting the goal posts.


Yeah, I’m some mid range player who has never been invited to beta.

Oh wait, I’ve been US20th and have several glad/M+ titles…I was privvy to those invites, I’m well aware.

The relevant point from a tech perspective “WHO ASKED?” < See, ignorant and arrogant, absolute moron.

I’m not even going to dive into the rest of your stupidity because you’re either actually that moronic or you’re, as I already said, just a rage baiting troll.

Touch grass, friend. Post from your main if you’re so good too…it’s always the 70 alts who are actually GOATs but don’t have to prove it. Lawling.

People are missing posts; several posts up, someone stated how their “breaching their rights”, and about a hundred ago someone did suggest a FULL day maintenance, yet people are now arguing as if those didn’t happen.

To be fair to Blizzard, they are a small indie company and this is their first expansion.

I’d imagine that someone who has paid every month for 20 years, assuming they wanted to play for every second that the game was down for extended maintenance and accounting for the “recomp days” they’ve done before, will have lost a total of roughly a month of playtime.

So $15 over 20 years, at most.

I’m not going to look further into it because looking up the specifics of every single downtime the game has had, figuring out the “extended” periods, and adding up the total sounds like an excruciatingly terrible way to waste an entire afternoon at the behest of internet randos.

See, here’s another person who missed a ton of posts; he attacked me several times earlier in the thread.

Reading is important people, and you’re not immune to being insulted back when you continue to troll and belittle, welcome to reality.

lets get real. how many subscribers does blizzard have. about 3 million active subs, x 12 36million guys office expenses to wow head quarter is maybe 1 million overhead, 15million in taxes profit 15 million a month x 12 150 million year after taxes… they broke man guy on top taking 99 percent for private piggy bank

I’m not understanding why you’re responding as if I was talking to you when I was talking to him.

NE with bad auto correct :wink:

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People would riot if this much maintenance happened in other MMOs.

BDO is patched with new QoL changes, events, classes, or new zones, etc every week. Maintenance happens every week on schedule so people can plan around that schedule.

If the game is down for even an hour, all players are sent free goodies as compensation.

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Fair, I am the one who called him a moron however so I thought it was dual sided.

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i dont see whats wrong with asseating in the ideal circumstance


servers are back up

I’m toxic.


They aren’t

2 hours ahead of time. Blizzard should charge every more now

They aren’t up you fool.

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yeah i mean something about nonstop maintenance, including 4 days last week, extended on a thursday + the normal tuesday is a head scratcher. They go to fix one thing, and break 5 more. It’s kind of wild that we are still playing beta, 2 weeks after release . :slight_smile:


Or they could just do it during reasonable hours for their own workers.

What’s convenient for you also might not be convenient for other people. I’m Australian and play on US servers (although Oceanic servers go down at the same time). 3am your time is 8pm for me.

So now you’ve got US players who don’t get bothered by maintenance when you’re sleeping, but now all the Australian and New Zealand players are unable to play for most of their night after they’ve finished work, had dinner and possibly put the kids to bed (depending on when the kids are put to sleep of course).