The Jailer is bit of a lolcow

Other games (and fiction, in general), I get excited for new content so I can see characters I enjoy interacting with each other and the world in new ways. That excitement stems from knowing these characters’s personalities and wanting to see their reactions to new situations.

In WoW… there is no consistency. The setting is going to be entirely foreign. The existing characters that visit the new setting are minimal and almost randomly determined. The characters themselves only act to further the plot without regard to previously established personalities, outside of the most general statements (ie. Anduin is good so he acts good and making him bad is dramatic, etc.). I can’t get invest in it at all anymore.


I will never be able to un-see this now lol, this is brilliant

Or they’re just yanking her hither and yon as their story ideas change, and pretending they intended it all along.

One thing’s for sure, after the zig-zags from WoD to Legion to BfA to Shadowlands, I no longer believe they plan things six months in advance, much less two and three expacs.


ngl i want to sit in his chest hole

I don’t think they really have shown us the Jailer…we’ve just seen his weakened Maw/Prison form. Not what he was originally. This is even foreshadowed with the Runecarver, and there’s an encrypted jailer model which is likely to be his original form.

Jailer is the lamest bad guy in the history of WoW.

This made my night.

Also, Denathrius actually makes a decent villain, which makes the Jailer being a turnip even dumber.


He’s just such a pathetic and annoying villain, and every time I see him I just say “Captain Nipples!” to myself out loud.

He’s just a sad joke.

I know Blizzard has bad work conditions and terrible pay for the industry… but maybe try feeding your writers once in a while so you put out something less terrible next time.


I agree with what all you have written here OP.

However I can’t let this stand. Mushrooms make much better enemies than the Jailer ever could.


He looks like Handsome Squidward. I can’t unsee it


I’m still convinced he’s going to have some crazy final form later in the expansion.

but yeah he is not the most inspiring of characters…

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Hansom Squidward, prisoner of the Krusty Krab.

We need Spongebob to defeat this foe.

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Nothing wrong with Jailer, he’s the perfect representation of WoW writing team.
He thinks he’s best, while everyone else thinks he’s lame.


The best way to introduce a Villain that is ‘powerful’ in the sense that he’s apart of the realm of death invading Azeroth is have him invade Azeroth FIRST.

While assaulting Azeroth, the denizens of the Covenants still loyal to the Arbiter and order strike confusion in the Maw ranks, providing intelligence for our (admittedly) stupid faction leaders about their new assailant, while revealing what their Covenants were before the Jailer swept them aside.

This simple set-up is leagues better than rando-forsworn plucking out the most hated characters in WoW while people just watched. You could even amplify the Jailer’s disdain for life by wiping out Tyrande Whisperwind and that leafy sock Malfurion; enforcing the Night Warrior’s curse is very real, while keep the Jailer threatening.

But nah, lol. The Jailer sees all, but Anduin ‘my trump card is faith’ Wrynn slides under the radar for years apparently.

God I hate this albino corn-stalk of a villain even more.

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Agreed they ruined their big bad through over saturation. Edit: even arthas wasn’t this stupid and this guy is suppose to be his master.

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Same. It’s what makes sense and is foreshadowed.

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Whoever made this deserves an award.

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