The Jailer is bit of a lolcow

So we can invite him to a dinner of other people like him and the ones that is the funniest or srrangest wins a trophy?

That’s something we’ll just have to wait and see.

RE4 needs a modern remake already. Unfortunately the only thing resembling that so far is the stupid VR version that’s Oculus Quest-only and that keeps its old GameCube graphics…

Whaddaya buyin?

Slang from Kiwifarms. I don’t suggest anyone go there… ever.

I wouldn’t say “NEED” for a remake. Would be neat. But to me the game still really holds up.

If you want a graphics boost, a fan made remaster has been done and it looks quite nice.


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This is a problem Blizzard has had for quite some time now. They’re running out of the old good story elements Metzen and his crew set up across the entire Warcraft franchise up to about halfway through WoW, so now they have to either retcon things to artificially bring back old story points (aka WoD in general, Guldan, Illidan, the Twisting Nether and demons we already killed, Azeroth itself, etc) or make up brand new story points (the Jailer, the Naaru are bad, Yrel, the entire warcraft cosmetology chart), but no matter what they try they just don’t have the writing talent they used to - and considering that the old writing talent was, tbqh, quite basic, that’s saying A LOT.

To compensate, they seem to have adopted JJ Abrams Mystery Box concept. Villains do bad things but you don’t know why, what their motivation is, not even what their goal is. That has been this ENTIRE Sylvanas arc in a nutshell, transferred over to the Jailer. Like remember how Blizz hyped up the burning of Teldrassil by saying stuff like “The real surprise is WHO DID IT AND WHY” and it turned out it was, big shocker, Sylvanas because angry? And now 2 years later we find out she was purposefully killing people to deliver masses of souls to the Maw. Ok, but why? Why did the Jailer need all those souls when he has literally multitudes more pouring in across the universe?

The mystery box concept Blizz seems to love? It’s nothing more than a cheap and lazy way to stir up intrigue and theorycrafting, when the truth more likely than not is that Blizz is making a lot of it up as they go, and the longer the mystery box concept is used, the more tiresome and played out it gets. The fact that the latest mystery box is an entirely new main villain that we know next to nothing about and have had next to no time seeing him action to actually see him in action doing bad things, well that just makes it even worse. People are over it.

And yeah, his very goofy and unimposing design doesn’t help. We’re supposed to be afraid of this dude after slaying giant worldbreaking dragons, massive demonic armies, and the old gods themselves? The Lich King is more imposing than this guy and lets face it, he was just a human in some heavy armor with a big sword (giant limitless undead army at his command notwithstanding)


The Eternals dont seem to be able to leave the Shadowlands. Or they are just dumb. The only smart one was the Primus he sent his key to the inbetween but our dumb characters bring it right back to him in 9.1. Though the Jailer knew it was there at that point and was actively looking for it.

Its likely just bad story telling like it has always been. Since we always have to win, the story the bad guys have to be garbage. Characters that have depth in the books become fools ingame. He went crazy because (oldgod, Demon, LK, Light, whatever). Characters that actually make desisions by themselves tend to be shallow or inconsistent personalitys like Garrosh who seemed Bi-Polar with so many writers that dont understand or know the lore. Fandral joins with the very forces that killed his Son and changed him to be more militaristic. Benedictus becomes the leader of the Twilight cult because he talked to Deathwing and lost his faith in the light… and so on.

Sylvanas sees how garbage the afterlife really is and for some reason she is punished to the Maw but people like Kael/Garrosh go to Revendreth. At that point she hadn’t done anything worthy of the Maw. So she goes full survival mode rasing more forsaken and creating a war machine to secure her lands to be the eternal bulwark against the afterlife. She sees they are losing against the Legion and calls for the retreat and saves as many as she can with her Val’kyr. Vol’jin names her warchief and she is generally suprised and didn’t want the position(from a book). She then tries to find someone powerful enough to stop death itself and leads her to Helya and makes a deal, most likely new Val’kyr for more lives because she is terrifed of the Maw. BUT Wait never mind she goes full war mode because Azerite will change the planet! She wants to build a safe Kingdom for the whole Horde. BUT WAIT Never mind she gets angry at some Nightelf and burns them alive instead of occupation to keep the war from going any further… Dont worry it was part of her Plan because she was just trying to cause as much Death as possible… for some reason. OK never mind!!! Bam she was working with the Jailor the WHOLE time guys ever since she killed herself the first time!!

Blizzard just makes it up as they go without a clear storyline laid out for years to come. I mean at Blizzcon THIS year they admitted that Denathrius was supposed to die but they liked the voice actor so much they re-wrote his storyline. Which is fine since he is a new character after all but older characters are just a mess.


He is easily the most boring villian of the entire franchise so far.


So well said. I understand the game is T for teen, but explore the space here Blizzard please. Death Knights suffer from Eternal Hunger, that should come from the Jailer. I want to see the ultimate manifestation of that, the personification of suffering in an Avatar form. Maybe why the void lords are okay with this path and truth. A sadistic, ultra powerful psychopath raging across the Shadowlands. Make us hate him, make us stop and go okay yes THIS is worth stepping aside from our past to stop. I want that visceral experience like the scream of Uther in the Bastion Afterlives. He needs to do something. Would have been better if he was still chained liked Korvaak from Grim Dawn and when he breaks his bonds see him torturing things and wounding souls in terrifying ways. Can still possess mystery coupled with gravity.


If blizz went even more lore friendly no one would like to touch the maw never. No body does apparently anywhere.

The maw would be a zone you should scount only with 3 or mire players, not solo.

But if blizz did that, the foruns would burn af

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It’s all part of slyv plan

Break him out so we can murder him on Azeroth and yak his nipples

Yes I 100% agree, this is probably the least threatening “big bad” we’ve faced probably in… forever.

I always thought that our leaders being abducted was Sylvanas just being salty, but now I think about it the Jailor probably had to sign off on that. All it did was having the thousands of horde/alliance character yeet themselves into the, maw and the shadowlands and start cleaning crap up (like discovering denathrius’ and Kel’thuzad’s betrayals and fixing the anima drought). So, very bad move.
And he used Anduin to get the key from the archon… again fine but couldn’t he have just used like idk literally ANY OTHER SOUL that was righteous enough to be let into bastion? Just nip into Azeroth and abduct a couple of paladins or something couldn’t be that hard. And why can’t he do that for each oh the leaders like abduct druids for Ardenweald and a couple of warriors for Maldraxus. Why did he send his forces into azeroth at all if it wasnt for these reasons? As you said… seems dumb.
Now the final point you made which I totally agree with, how strong even is he? Like the most we’ve seen him do it send out a shadowy wave lmao like that was pretty much it. Everything else is just him preaching how strong he/his army is yet they’re mostly just trapped in the maw. And mind you, he’s only GOTTEN this far because hes had people like denathrius, Devos and kel’thuzad join his cause - if he didn’t have them his influence in those zones would be almost none.

So yea, I have my hopes for some big revelations in 9.1 raid/questing but as it seems its just weird how not strong he is and how little he’s actually managed to accomplish.


Without watching that video, and just seeing the picture, I’m gonna assume he dances like MJ at some point.

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Here’s a thought: I enjoy stories and characters that are enjoyable throughout the entire narrative without relying on a cheap twist at the end to be “clever.”

3 timegated years at a time… :skull_and_crossbones:

Damn, that was a good laugh. Agreed too.

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And here’s the second problem. Blizzard is massively hinting that Sylvannas’ soul was split apart (which doesn’t make ANY sense, but since Uther did it, which raises a really bizarre question.

If the ‘good’ part of her was trapped in the Maw when she became a Banshee, then her ‘evil’ self experienced the return of the Lich King, which means she committed suicide for… nothing?

Does the suicide even makes sense anymore? Why would evil her off herself just to end up in the Maw with her Jailer waifu? Secondly, why would the Valkyr even bother sacrificing themselves? Did they know the Jailer’s plan?

What is happening… why am I being punished for thinking…


I posted a thread about this awhile back… I would update it if I were more invested.


Intrigue and theorycrafting that’s utterly meaningless because they retcon things at the drop of a hat. One of the senior members of the story team said in an interview a while back that the idea of canon is just to restrict creative freedom.