The Jailer is bit of a lolcow

Our latest villain; an albino prisoner with the strategy and cunning of a rotting potato, who is so powerful and so ancient that he doesn’t wear a shirt. Who is so knowledgeable about his prison that there’s a revolving door to Oribos that’s never guarded, letting in Maw-walkers like mall walkers at ten in the morning.

What has he done to show how powerful he is?

Kidnap four people that ‘the Champions of Azeroth’ already hate. That’s pretty much it. He stands atop Torghast, ‘Death comes for your world!’, yet this naked Yeti is still stuck IN the Maw.

Seriously, how can people like this tangible fart?

You know what’s even more ridiculous? Using Anduin Wrynn in his stupid plans. Saint Wrynn that could use the Light in the Maw, and despite this personified pigeon :poop: pointing out how unique it is, it’s never used to get the Archon’s stupid key.

‘Oh, it’s Death magic! Pulled from the same dark orifice where Sylvanas gets her new convenient powers!’ - People who defend this :poop:.

And let’s talk about this supposed Maw escape, shall we?

So ‘The Jailer’ needs to escape the Maw. All the ‘keys’ to his locks are located in the Shadowlands. He needs all four keys to open the lock (despite this stupid portal the First Ones left, but he can’t walk through it AFTER its been activated because reasons).

Instead of taking over the Shadowlands completely (which he was doing), this brilliant, soggy mushroom of a villain decides to invade Azeroth, home of god-nuking Champions that killed several gods and a Hogger, for no reason.


The keys are in the Shadowlands, you moldy sponge. Why are you invading another plane of reality when you’re not even out of the Maw yet–not even finished conquering the Shadowlands? Why does your plan look more stupid the more its revealed?

It’s just… This villains an idiot. And he’s supposedly one of the oldest enemies Azeroth could possibly know…

Just end me with this writing.


I agree, good rant

What is a lolcow?


A lolcow is a person you get extensive laughs from, who doesn’t know they are being made fun of. They can often think they are admired for what they are doing, but secretly are being laughed at constantly.


Oh i see, i did not know :smiley:


4chan slang. Gross dude.


Didn’t expect a roast of the big bad today but I mildly enjoyed it nonetheless.


I think he was meant to be scary but with the cartoonish graphic he appears edgily cringe instead.


Oh no the big bad scary website!


Someone that can be “milked” for laughs.

MovieBob for example


Oo i like that

Oh no another thing i’ve never heard of :dizzy_face:


The jailer could just ask a mage for a portal. I wouldn’t say no if he was very nice and gave me a back massage or took me to a spa for a day :relieved::cocktail:


The jailer always reminded me of these dudes:

Dorky tall grey things aren’t very intimidating.


He looks like an edgy Engineer from Promethius.

But it gets so much worse.

Torghast is supposed to be the Jailer’s base of operations, right? But Maw-Walkers just stride on through it like an amusement park, saving souls and leaving graffiti on thewalls.

Where are your guards, Jailer? Why are you not camping that portal with your personal retinue and curb stomping the Maw Walkers as they come flooding in?

And why is the Runecarver still alive? You clearly don’t need him anymore since you can pull crap out the aether and some random henchman can slap away on a sword to create another ‘Mourneblade’.


Did you watch the torghast in a nutshell video? :joy::joy:

On the runecarver: what really still irritates me is why we couldn’t just collect 5 additional molten anima cores from the peasants in the maw to free his second hand. We’re supposed to help that dude, but really we do the same exact thing as the jailer and just exploit him :joy:


I agree with your rant. They REALLY dropped the ball on this dude. Here he was supposed to be some super powerful and intimidating dude… but he’s just not. He doesn’t look cool, he doesn’t act cool, he doesn’t sound cool, he’s just… lame.


i for one welcome our chiseled shirtless mawriffic overlords at least until the story properly unfolds

It’s not the no shirt, or the no shoes (no service B), it’s the fact that he wears high waters, and he is supposed to be intimidating. Can we get his final form in 9.1? Because he is just not an intimidating presence.


Well thats not a good way to describe yourself!

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He just… stands there as you escape the maw, like… I don’t get it.


“Mallll WAlkkkerrr… There’s a sale at Bed… BATH… AND BEYONDDD!!!.. Quickly now, I need to moisturize.”