The Jailer is bit of a lolcow

A successful Jailer would convince me that he’s at least partially right. But, aside from maybe Bastion and the Kyrians, everywhere else is only suffering because of him. He’s not even trying to solve any problems that I can be convinced to care about.


Also interesting is that he fails at every step of the way. He doesn’t even have his own capability and mastery of the realm to lean on as a compelling villain. As the heroes, we succeed at literally everything we do against him and the only times his plans succeed are because Plot.

The Jailer has Plot Armor. Against us.

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He got what he wanted by stealing the Archon’s sigil while making us feel we’re making progress and easily discarded Denathrius.

He is powerful. We players think he cares about insects doing stuff which irritates him.

The thing is: He sees how his plans are failing and does something else and gets what he wants anyway.

That to me is his ultimate endgame: You think you’re winning but he always finds a way to get what he wants and immediately ignores you again

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The only thing he is winning at is being a loser and a failure compared to arthas.

Why is he a loser?

Because he didn’t consider the characters you think are important or powerful as important or powerful?

He basically doesn’t care what you do as long as his endgame isn’t affected. Which is why he was like “Oh noes mortals defeated Denathrius a Eternal one…anyway which ice cream shall I buy?”

Amazing critiques. Please link me your awards for game design or best seller novels.

I’m truly fascinated.

Actually that would have made him a better character if he actually saw our potential but nope blizz can’t have that. Jailer feels like a minor raid boss.

Maybe because whether we have potential or not, the Jailer simply doesn’t care. He is an eternal one and does not think in terms of mortal philosophies.

Could lead to his defeat but at the moment all he has done is get what he wants and that’s a 100% success rate according to him.

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If he doesn’t care then he wouldn’t care, but he very much does.

The Jailer’s deal with a mortal (Sylvanas) was crucial to his plans. The Jailer utilizing the power and potential of a mortal (Anduin) was crucial to his plans. When we did our Maw break, the Jailer personally intervened, and not because we’re ants.

Pretending everything is beneath you while it very clearly is not isn’t being powerful, it’s being the “This is fine” dog.

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But that’s really stupid. Why even bother sitting imprisoned in the Maw at all if that were the case? This super intelligent being is so above everything that he gets everything he wants because of the forking plot.


Well yeah, his goal is to get out which means get the sigils. So as long as he gets what he wants, even if you defeat all of his minions, he doesn’t seem to care.

If we had disrupted the Archon’s sigil from being stolen, maybe he would have actually noticed.

EDIT: Whatever I’m saying here is based on my own theoretical assumptions. I’m not trying to paint him in a different way.

I just feel like he’s being written as a godly being who doesn’t give a damn about what we consider important or who we consider important.

The only reason we didn’t stop him is because the cutscene conveniently happened while we were elsewhere.

In other words

Yeah so basically he’s succeeding at what he gets.

Was it explained as to where we were? As far as I know Uther is being taken away which may or may not be at the end of the Kyrian campaign which makes sense as the other covenants don’t give a damn about helping other covenants unless the Maw Walker asks for help.

The problem is he succeeds because that’s what the plot says needs to happen, not because he’s powerful and competent. Except for ‘results’, everything we’ve seen of him has been a stunning display of incompetence.


Despite his own actions. His own explicit actions that mean nothing to him, so he does them anyway, for the lols? The Jailer likes wasting my time.


Anyone else get the urge to toss a bean bag at his chest?


We beat arthas, illidon’t, kael, kil’jaden and archimonde. Several of these TWICE

We’ve beaten old gods, titans, keepers and planets. This new fool? He’s nothing, lacking an iota of menace and even if he did? There’s no stakes anymore. After everything that didn’t beat us before nothing will feel like a credible threat

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He looked WAY cooler in the original concept art. But leakers are leakers, so they had to change his design before the game was “done.”

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Arthas is still the best villain we’ve ever had. I loved actually seeing him everywhere when I quested in Northrend too.
Can’t change my mind.

Every villiain feels “meh” anymore. We never should have started killing titans (Argus) and now we’re going to kill some even higher up cosmic being (Jailer). Where do we go after this? How is any boss going to feel actually worthy of wasting my hero’s time to come and kill them. Anything less than the creator of the WoW universe is just a fly on my hero’s boot.

I’m wondering if that’s what happened or if it’s more a misdirection and that’s what we end up seeing at the end of the upcoming raid.

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Honestly if you think about it all the villains in WoW are actually insanely powerful and in 99.9% of timelines (every time you die or your group/raid wipes) they won. WoW (as a game) exists in a perpetual weird timeline where everything just happened to work out perfectly every time (because for some reason you don’t follow the usual rules of mortality like every other being and character and get infinite time loops to go back to where you died until it works out).

For most players if you weren’t breaking the rules of every other character (a 4th wall necessity of playing a game) you died in the Maw or one of the dungeons or to a random animal early on and your story ended long before you were ever a threat to the Jailer.

Go play hardcore mode where you’re going to delete the character the first time you die and see if you’re really a threat to the Jailer. He ignores you because you’re nothing and you’ll just wipe on your first NW run. He doesn’t know you’re breaking the 4th wall and can reset time constantly until you win.