Why Korthia is so important *spoilers*

Someone in another thread asked the question of the Jailer, “why are you invading another plane of reality when you’re not even out of the Maw yet–not even finished conquering the Shadowlands” and I wanted to address this question in detail.

Here is the truth of the matter.

Korthia has been inspired by Kur, which for all intents and purposes was the original afterlife that was conceived in our world. Has one not ever contemplated what if that all the myths surrounding the afterlife and the world beyond are not myths, or at the least have some degree of truth in them?

If this is the case, the rules of the original Shadowlands were originally governed by simple Mesopotamian rules and laws, and at some point in time, a sense of Order was established to the Shadowlands, similarly how to in our world, the afterlife went from the Mesopotamian system, to the rules of reward/punishment that came later with Christianity/Islam, and so on.

Therefore, as the original afterlife was no longer needed, Korthia eventually disappeared into the in-between, and we know that the motivation of Sylvanas is to tear the current system of order in the Shadowlands down, to replace with a system that is just. The Jailer’s motives are still unclear, but whatever the case, if you have a system of reward/punishment that you want to maintain where all souls are judged for their actions in life and whatnot, one place you are not going to want souls to go, is the original afterlife, where they find out the truth…that in reality, it was all simply a construct of control.

You see, if you do a bit of research, you will find in humanity’s original construct of the afterlife, there was none of this reward/punishment, your soul simply continued existing…and all souls, good and evil, went to the same place. In short, it was simply a shadow of the actual world, the only downside of course was that everlasting life was reserved for the Gods. Anyway, that’s neither here nor there, but imagine for one moment…if the original afterlife still exists in some form, what kind of ancient knowledge and artifacts of the Gods of the cosmos still exist there??

No wonder archeologists are curious about this place and glad we are getting archeology back in some form.

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No one cares the story has been garbage since the beginning of BFA. Just gimme loot damn. EDIT: it was rude of me to say no one cares and for that i apologize.


I care and so do countless others. Just because you don’t doesn’t mean no one does


Korthia looks bland af. It’s sad to see Blizzard double down on by far the worst zone they’ve ever made by making us spend more time in the maw. Really makes it hard to care about the lore of some one note gray zone.

The Devs have worms for brains.


From a lore perspective, Korthia wasn’t technically in the Maw, it was chained down and pulled into the Maw…before that, it was floating inside the inbetween.

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Ugh, not another Lilithia thread. It’s not even Sunday.

you really dont know what your talking about.

No amount of lore can save anything involved with the Maw in this god forsaken expansion lol.

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Entire careers and fields of research spanning CENTURIES have considered this. The consensus of modern physics is that highly complex systems like consciousness cannot exist in the chaos of the quantum realm without some organizing principle being imposed.

In life, that principle is TIME. Specifically, the LONG periods of millions and BILLIONS of years it takes simple systems to evolve into complex ones. Even then, it takes long periods in relative stability, which is why it doesn’t happen very often (that we know of).

The other alternative would be TECHNOLOGY. Specifically, some advanced alien technology that “magically” (to our simple understanding, being indistinguishable as Arthur C. Clarke would say) teleporting our entire consciousness, memories, personality, knowledge gained, lessons learned, the entire “flavor” and scope of who we are and our potential to some artificial construct that either simulated a world we could comprehend as familiar, or put us in some blender queue to shuffle us back into the deck of life as a new character.

Then there is the whole “God did it” explanation, which is really just an elaborate AVOIDING explanation.

My problem is the same as most intellectuals. It is simply not possible to reconcile the motives of an alien entity (even one proclaiming itself “God”) just “doing this to us” as Sylvanas said, giving us no choice over the process, no say in whether we live or die or go on existing in some afterlife or how. Just deciding, as if they know best, like some mainsplaining narcissist who thinks themselves the center of the universe just for getting there first…

In such a scenario, we are little more than SLAVES. Just puppets being manipulated for the amusement of a selfish entity that doesn’t even respect us enough to attempt to communicate and ASK US what we would like to be, who we would choose to become, or where we would like to go. It is disrespectful and insulting and utterly contemptible.

Which is why I, and most intelligent people, believe the entire concept of an afterlife is complete BS.

Furthermore, believing it exists puts one in the unenviable position of having to make up increasingly convoluted excuses for an absent and uncaring or totally selfish “God” that does not deserve our loyalty OR respect.

I prefer to save my sanity for what little time I have in this pathetic excuse for a life, to pursue a CURE for this HORRIFYING condition since no God or aliens in this galaxy give a %$&% enough about anything but themselves to offer to help us.

If we’re to be saved, we’ll have to get over hating each other enough to do it ourselves.

I wouldn’t be surprised if, like the Goa’uld in Stargate, these parasitic “Gods” are actively causing all this animosity and hatred of man against man, race against race, setting us against each other, for the explicit purpose of LIMITING OUR DEVELOPMENT.

Because if we were to unite and organize and set ourselves free, they would see that as a threat to their dominance.

“You shall have no other God before me!”

“There can be only one Ra.”

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Ironically, I didn’t understand a word of that sorry.

It really isn’t. The name Korthia is just a Greek-sounding name. Just like Desmotaeron, Obleron, etc…

The only thing important about Korthia is that it houses the Primus’ sigil. That is literally all there is to it. The “City of Secrets” title is a complete and utter overstatement of what is essentially just a tiny village where attendants meditate.

Don’t worry, most physicists don’t really understand either. It is mostly theory and conjecture based on very limited quantifiable observation.

Still, we do know some things. Like for example, that in order for the “soul” to transfer out of the body instantly upon death, there would have to be a spontaneous transfer of information to somewhere far away (or another dimension) which we are not able to detect.

It would almost have to be another dimension for us not to detect its energy signature, which we can’t. The only known method of performing such a rapid (instant) transfer without a detectable signal would be quantum entanglement.

Quantum entanglement is Einstein’s “spooky action at a distance.” It basically allows two particles to become bound, such that if you separate them, even by vast distances, changing the spin state of one particle somehow instantly changes the other in the same way. Even if informing that other particle of the change would require a signal traveling faster than light, which was supposed to be impossible. Yet the double slit and quantum eraser experiments seem to imply it is possible with entangled quantum states.

So, imagine every atom of your grey matter is actually a quantum computer node entangled to some other version of you waiting in God’s database, so to speak. We know that in nature, quantum entangled particles will rapidly decay and become unbound. Without highly precise artificial energy fields maintaining them, this happens in under a nanosecond.

So, problem #1: What is maintaining this quantum state in human brains, and why can’t we detect the energy field?

Problem #2 is even more speculative, but it involves asking why, if we were entangled to this other place, are we only able to actually go there and see it once we are dead?

There is also the problem that entangled states don’t appear to transmit any information about the breaking of the couple. From our perspective in the lab, it appears to work more like a mirror (which is a bad analogy since a mirror reflects light and entangled couples “talk” faster than light, but still it visually conveys the idea).

That is not to say some advanced technology couldn’t have found a way to fold spacetime or pull information from a broken quantum state at the moment it decouples. But how that could be utilized to somehow pull CONSCIOUSNESS which contains a HUGE amount of data, is much more difficult to imagine.

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This is well articulated.

Reading your posts has been intriguing. I enjoyed them! :purple_heart:

Live long and prosper, friend. :slight_smile:

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