The Goldshire - Moon Guard Problem.. even now

it does mah lil dwarfy heart good to see there are still ppl with a firm grip on actual reality. may the rng gods be kind to u and those like u.


Sure they are, what the heck do you think shamans do? carry around a fat sack and throw stones from it? Nature magic.

Lol then don’t go there. Sheesh

That was my point entire, yes.

Oh no, the Puritans are attacking the strip club!!!


Uh no.

Those exist in FFXIV, but those are no more representative of the whole FFXIV RP Community than Goldshire is of the WoW RP Community.

Now those are just people casually hanging out with and having fun with one and another.

I could link hundreds of youtube videos to prove my point but I do not want a forum ban.

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okay, and? There are a lot more places in FFXIV like goldshire sure, because player housing exists, but that doesn’t mean that represents the FFXIV RP community as a whole.

So you admit that is more prevalent in FFXIV than WoW.

It’s hard to quantify. There are more locations, but that doesn’t make it more prevalent. You can easily argue it’s more prevalent on WoW because it’s far more concentrated on WoW.

Either way, again just because it exists doesn’t mean it represents the whole of the FFXIV RP community. Unless you want to say Goldshire represents the WoW RP Community.

Goldshire on moon guard is not hidden everyone know about it even I do. If the media dived in to investigate it there it is in plain sight,so it’s not hidden at all.

Just gonna say if you choose to roll a character on Moon Guard and choose to hang out in Goldshire when you can go literally to any other server or anywhere else in the game BUT Goldshire… and you choose to STAY in Goldshire… don’t blame other people for your own lack of intelligence.


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Did the OP not just say that

I have said nothing in the defense of WoW in fact I agree that when many people think WoW RP they think of the MG and Goldshire.

That is not what I wanted to prove.

This was.

Except, I’ve acknowledged on many occasion that FFXIV has it’s flaws. The people who claim that FFXIV is flawless are trolls.

Oh really I am sorry but it seems that is more often than not the case when people praise FFXIV on the forums. There are some things WoW does better than FFXIV and I think RP is one of them but FFXIV fans on this game act as if the game is Gods gift to the MMORPG community.

:first_quarter_moon_with_face: :guardsman: :love_hotel: by :fire: be purged

Yeah, I love FFXIV, but it is far from a flawless game.

Yes for example I think the FFXIV has a much better story and levling system than WoW currently. Things like player housing are also useful. I also like the FFXIV has more emotes.

However I think PVE end game content is too easy compared to WoW I think while there are more Jobs each Job is more limiting compared to WoW. I think WoW has the better overall mog system. And I think that while FFXIV has all the ingredients to make a good RP community the fact that there is no third party mod support and the fact neither the playerbase nor the devs seem to have any plan or motivation to cultivate that community and weed out the trolls, the griefers, the toxic people, and at least quarantine the “Goldshire Dwellers”. It is not a place I want to RP.