Learning to Tank is so much nicer in FF14

Like FFXIV players do not do the same.

“Wow Players are bullies” (Thats because FFXIV bans people for the slightest form of criticism)

“Asmongod likes our game so that means we are better” (Yea the same guy who once kicked a player for getting a mount he wanted you can have him he is toxic)

“Wow Players are toxic” (Yet here you are trying to convince us to come to your game.)

Thats the reason we hate FFXIV not because your game is complete garbage as there are some good point it is because the playerbase are Hyppocrates and REFUSE to accept their game is flawed IN ANY MANNER despite the dangers of overhyping a game.

In the end an MMORPG is a social game and I am going to have to interact with those people if I join the game and I do not want to interact with a community who is one step away from being a Cult.