The Goldshire - Moon Guard Problem.. even now

I really can’t take WoW serious on their attempts to stop sexual harrassment when they do nothing about what goes on every single day on one of their own servers. The age recomendation for WoW is 12 and up. But Goldshire on moon guard is at best a strip club and at worse, a sex dungeon.

Think I’m kidding? Then make a low level character and look for yourself. At 2pm on a weekday it’s full of naked elves dancing on tables and bannisters.

MMO-Champion even did and article on it in 2017. Google MMO champion goldshire rape and it comes up immediately. The system won’t allow me to link it directly.

Don’t just take my word for it, read it for yourself. Walk into it yourself.

The media has not gotten wind of this yet… Yet. But when it does, and all things eventually come out, they will know and see that not just in their offices but also in their game, sexual harrassment is still a daily problem.

Moon Guard is an RP server, but why is Blizzard still ok with it being an ERP server even now?


They’re focusing on a different problem. A REAL problem. A bunch of weirdos gathered in an infamous location to erp isn’t a real problem. If your boss made you meet them in gold shire, then you might have a REAL problem.


From a female perspective, I see it as the exact same problem. How is it different?

This is game aged at 12 and up. it is the same problem when Blizzard allows to continue and children 12 and up are exposed and probably imprinted that sexual harrassment of women is OK.

Virtual or not, sexual harrassment is still sexual harrassment.


On Moomguard, I went down to the basement of the inn located in Goldshire. What was going on down there was odd to say the least.


I think the better question and perhaps a better problem: why were you even there?


90% of the characters in the inn are people who go there to do your suggested “look for yourself” thing, so it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. It’s mostly just people from outside looking in to see what the brouhaha is all about. They get hit on, and hit on others, bc they think that’s the expected thing to do. And so it goes on and on.

From what I have heard over the years, actual MG regulars view Goldshire like a glitzy tourist stop, like something on the Vegas Strip. It has the veneer of Vegas, but the real action moved elsewhere long ago.


If you have to ask then nothing we say to you help.
Winter is coming.


People CHOOSE to attend those activities and are not sex trafficked to go there so what do you want Blizzard to do about that?


In one scenario, you’re forced into a sexual encounter by someone that has power over your career.

In another, you notice some strange emotes as you walk through a town on an infamous rp server. You have the option to ignore or report everyone involved.


It’s not really a problem. It’s only in one building of one server. It’s not a wide spread thing across all of WoW.

It’s easy to ignore and if you don’t use RP addons or read profiles you’ll never know what’s actually going on there in detail. It’s just a large gathering of quiet scantily dressed people, which is well allowed in the game’s rules. You can undress yourself and dance around anywhere you want. The game’s for teenagers and adults, they can handle that.

They can’t really ban or censor people for having their own fun and RP in a small condensed area that anyone is allowed to do anywhere in game. Free speech and it’s harmless. No one is forced to partake in ERP.


That’s even scarier.

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Because Moon Guard was not like this years ago when I started playing here with a guild. Now, I have 7 level 50-60’s that would cost me to move to a different server. I feel stuck here.

The op walks into a strip club and looses their mind over the erotic nature of the place.


Moon guard has always been like that. ALWAYS.


Everything happening in Goldshire there is CONSENSUAL. Which is the keyword here. You clearly have no idea what sexual harassment is. Let them ERP if they want, what’s it to you?


Isn’t it kept in whispers more often then not? Also that goldshire inn is pretty famous. You’d have to be looking for trouble going in there to hang out.

I mean… wouldn’t it be like going to a gay bar and getting offended that guys ask for your number?


And it’s a reflection of the problem Blizzard has been hiding for years.

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No… Jesus, read some of the comments in your thread. You’re either trolling or you’re quite dense.


how is it different? oh a little thing called consent


hahaha… riiiiight