The Goldshire - Moon Guard Problem.. even now

I agree with this. Down with public erp!

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If themes of genocide and blatant murder and other forms of crimes/violence are suitable for people of 12+ years, then I think they’re mature enough to see some bare pixels.

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I play on Moonguard. There is no problem here. People choose to ERP, and they will regardless of whether or not Goldshire is the hotspot for it. People typically ignore you, unless they have a reason to believe you’re there for ERP or whatever.

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I moved to Moon Guard from Lightforged in Legion and it was night and day. It was just like playing FFXIV again and seeing people everywhere in every zone in almost every part of those zones.

I got used to Moon Guard very, very quickly. I realized all the messed up people in Lion’s Pride were mostly tourists, and I embraced the living world of Moon Guard and I was so much happier there.

Then Ion decided that all the RP servers needed to get phased with other servers because he had data that showed they made more money that way. It’s never been as good as Legion was but at least they make more money now and at least I got to publicly embarrass Emerald Dream many times in war mode.

Because it’s not harassment when people are there by choice. You aren’t interested in that, you leave. Or don’t go in the first place. It’s not the only inn in the game at all. There are plenty others to use. The whole village is barely even a blip on anyone’s leveling now.

As for why this is “okay” in a game ESRB rated T for “Teen” (12 is a “pre-teen” still, though I admit that’s splitting hairs), there is an additional note which accompanies all online games: “Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB.” This is because no company is going to heavy handedly police literally every interaction you have with anyone in an online game at all times. They can’t and, IMO, shouldn’t try. Blizzard has traditionally been far better than most at addressing direct harassment problems between specific players. But “direct harassment” does not include “ohmygoodnessgracious! I walked into the most known ERP location in the game and ERP was happening!” :woman_shrugging:

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pretty sure you are just feeding a troll there.

It’s not blizzard nor the internets responsibly to know where or what your your kids are doing online…that’s yours op.

I mean I don’t have kids, but I don’t even let my dog play puppyworld because the bow wow inn is so naughty! Sure he gets mad at me for it, but when he’s a big boy, he can make his own choices!

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You can not force people to be G rated. Welcome to the Internet bub.

Eh . . .

Can’t think of anything that isn’t G rated besides chat anyways. A “naked” toon in WoW still wears underwear that would be appropriate for most beaches.

The point is that you can’t rate Online experiences… Because you can’t control strangers behaviors.

Report and move on. that’s my deal. and it is widespread, you will find it sporadically all over the server.
it is a T rated game and needs to have those reported. you are not in the wrong in doing so.

The difference is a vast majority of the people in goldshire are consenting adults. The ones that are pushy and invasive tend to just be trolls.

I’d rather they focus on real people than what a bunch of pixels are doing



/Claps his hands together and leaves


*adds in a guitar riff to the clappin’…

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there will always be horny people on the internet sorry not sorry OP.

I wasn’t aware Goldshire was the entire server.

If it’s such a big problem for you, just don’t go to Goldshire? Like, what’s the issue here?

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Goldshire mailbox dancer here. Not everyone who goes there is there for erp. A lot of people are just there to chill or even do serious family rp believe it or not. Also. I would imagine that ESRB would have done something about it if it really was not okay for the rating. Blizzard made it a while ago so TRP profiles are connecting to the game server side and people can report them. Anyone saying anything really sexual there does get in trouble.

As someone that played on MG for many, many years, that’s really all it is - a tourist stop and a play for goofing off OOC. There’s no problem there. Leave if you’re uncomfortable, throw someone on /ignore if they pester you.


The first rule of Moon Guard is we don’t talk about Moon Guard.

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