The Goldshire - Moon Guard Problem.. even now

it is widespread.
You see it daily. I do however like the content outside and around the Inn, lots of WPVP does happen. Not the best pvp’er but you see it and it can be pretty fun!
Also taken my Alliance characters in the inn and read the mrps. its a vast majority of nude sellers. ERP sellers and all in between.
I know… you don’t want the cash cow to end, so you speak against someone spitting the truth.
Also OP, there has been plenty of articles printed up about what is going on in moonguard, literally decade of it or more. There is literally gallons upon gallons of videos all over youtube on the adventures on there, most funny.

EDIT: I can go in there NOW and probably find someone selling their nudes, services, or “Dances” for some sort of cash, be it real or gold.

How did you miss “in Goldshire” twice

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To be blunt.
Majority of Draenei players do that. “buy my erp, sell my nudes, I have a dingle of a horse.” And have links to colourful photos of said artwork…
Its a cash cow they do not want to end.

I dont mean exclusively to wow, but across the board in all games. Wether its in exchange for gold or saying uwu for gear carries and boss kills, theres always an exchange visable and its not unique to Moonguard

I agree, burn down Goldshire but only after boarding up the Inn during prime hours.

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Really? I’m gonna transfer my main over there right now, just to check it out. I don’t want to comment on something if I don’t know what I’m talking about. Might take a month… or 2…

Wrong, T is 13+

Fun fact from the ERSB website.

Interactive Elements

Interactive Elements highlight interactive or online features that may be of interest or concern but do not influence the rating assignment of a product. This includes users’ ability to interact with each other, the sharing of users’ location with other users, if purchases of digital goods or services are offered, and/or if unrestricted internet access is provided.

Users Interact

Indicates possible exposure to unfiltered/uncensored user-generated content, including user-to-user communications and media sharing via social media and networks

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The Alliance is nothing but a cesspool of scum and villainy.

Little harsh, don’t you think?

Stormrage player.

I just wanted to mention this but if anyone agrees with this guy then you have no right to praise FFXIV as a game because it is just as bad there if not worse in that regard.

Thy kind persisteth in a giant sewer.
But far be it from me to halt thee hurling stones in thine house of glass.

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…depends on what you mean by “widespread”. In and immediately around Goldshire, perhaps. Elsewhere on the server, I would have to disagree with you.

It’s consensual; no one is “forced” to go there. It’s not a “critical quest hub” or any such thing either, it can be completely avoided during leveling if people wish to.

No one’s career depends on going there and participating.

Most of it is in private chat.

Anyone there can be /ignored if they annoy someone.

What happens in Goldshire stays in Goldshire. The rest of the server is normal.

Unless you spend most of your time in Goldshire for some reason, it shouldn’t affect you. That’s like saying “hey prostitution is legal in Nevada; I live in New York, but I feel stuck here…”



Its a very real problem that has been ignored for years. We’re talking about children and adults interacting sexually under cover of anonymity on the internet. If that isn’t a “real problem” to you, then that’s very sad.

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How about YOU get a grip and think a little more than that? If its an underage kid getting into sexually explicit dialog with an adult…its a very big problem.


I think that falls under responsible parenting to be aware of and monitor your childs activities.


You cannot shame that which has no shame. No matter how many times they will oust people from Goldshire, more will come.

magicproof glas tinktink

Unless thou art a shaman those rocks are not by magic cast.

This FFXIV RP community in a nutshell people.