The Forbidden Rising is recruiting!

8/8H! LFM to come kill it all over again with us!

Looking for more people to do stuff and things with raid wise!

LFM active players who enjoy to kill things and get shinnies from the corpses of our fallen enemies! Looking at you raiders!!! :eyes:

We’re still looking for more bodies to hit the floor!

Do you get picked on? made fun of? well in this guild you don’t to worry about that. All that stuff is done to me! So join in on the #blameEjayz Train! LF Tanks as well as others to help keep our roster set!

Come join the #blameEjayz train because it will never be your fault!

LFM in need of some tanky friends and any dps that wants to come play with us :smiley:

Bad at mechanics? die a lot to silly things? have no fear your friendly neighborhood shaman scapegoat is here! #BlameEjayz is the problem solver you need in your raid comp! Come join the trend that is taking WoW by storm!

Open to casuals and active players. :slight_smile:

Looking for a new home? Well come on in and enjoy the madness! Looking for casuals and hardcores alike!

LFM range pew pews for our raid team, casuals welcome

This is the story of a guild, who wanted locks for the raid and while they took all range that they could get, They would absolutely love some Crack rocks!

LFM Ranged for raids and if your a lock even better!

LF range dps (need them locks please!) and people to kill a certain shaman for me :smiley: !!!

Looking for more caster DPS to help kill the Shamans on Il’gynoth! Locks especially =p

Just transferred to this realm and faction and I am looking for a group of active non elitist social people to play with, I am not a big raider due to bad experiences but I always give it my all if your still looking for members!

Hey Valathor, sorry about the late reply. We are always looking for people. Social or raiders or even M+ runners. :slight_smile: just add me or one of the other officers so we can chat if you are still looking for a home! (btags are in the original post)

Well looky here, we seem to be recruiting again but this time we are offering our new brand of lock cookies (now with extra fel) and our fancy feasts that taurens haven’t squished just yet! Looking for dps to fill our roster for core, but hey if you are just looking for a casual home we will take ya in too!

LFM, to expand our mythic roster. LF reliable and knowledgeable individuals who will be team players.

Looking to expand our ranks for the next expansion! Come join our crazy fam :slight_smile: Casuals welcome!

Hey you! Yeah you! Are you tired of no one being on in a guild when you join? Don’t you hate it when the guild has people on for the dreaded “raid” logging? Only for them to not be on the rest of the week? Well let me tell you that is not an issue you will have here. We do a variety of different activities from Raids, M+, PvP, and other nonsense! We are currently looking for more skilled players to fill out Roster for our casual Mythic Progression. Not interested in the serious approach have no fear we take casuals.

You guys still recruiting? I’m looking to get back into raiding going into Shadowlands after taking most of BFA off. Happy to run some M+ and just generally play with some cool people!

Hit me up - Amnon#11171

Hey there! Yes we are still recruiting. I accepted your add, just send me a tell on btag and ill get back to you asap :slight_smile: