The Forbidden Rising is recruiting!

Looking for a place to crash for the next upcoming expansion, well we have some very comfy mats for you to sleep on! Come join us!

We are recruiting for Shadowlands! If your a pvper, raider, casual or just looking for a home to chat with other players, what ever you flavor of game play we welcome you!

Come be a casual with me, people!

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Still recruiting? got palla h ealer or DK dps / maybe off tank

Our recruitments open atm :slight_smile: Anyone can join. Add me on btag Hera#1937 if you would like an invite or more info

TFR LFM (ranged dps) for our Wednesday/Thursday team. Reach out if interest!

TFR LFM (ranged dps) for our Wednesday/Thursday team. Reach out if interest!

LFM to come enjoy content with us!

We want you! Come join us for raid, dungeons, M+, all the funs!

Bumpity bump bump.

LF some healer friends for our raid team (no priests and shams, sorry we gots those ^_^)

Are you looking for a Warlock at all ?

I added you in game to speak about raiding.