You have any concrete evidence benthic gear and warfronts ‘killed raiding’ and not the general fact that I know people simply quit playing in general, thus raiding slowed down with it (for myself included).
pretty sure you don’t, just more QQ about catchup gear.
This is true. Personally, I had to stop raiding in BoD because my job went bonkers in January. Good bonkers, but still bonkers.
I only do mythic+ these days. Miss raiding, but I can’t dedicate days/times to it atm.
I simply disagree with you but perhaps do you have any “evidence” of your stance? Or was your whole point to mock?
I don’t have evidence, but I can tell you the pull for me to quit goes up every time they add more garbage random loot that swings raid performance and tie raid performance to doing more and more garbage OUTSIDE of raid (hello all meaningful sources of AP being from braindead world content… hello having to farm hours for enough consumables, etc).
People getting better gear with forges or more usable stuff from weekly m+ cache makes me jealous and hate whatever garbage I got, and feel like my effort was wasted.
Having to go out into the world to do faceroll chores innately makes me upset because of how unchallenging it is.
More of that = more likely I quit.
Just a few things here OP.
Do you really think Blizzard is going to listen to anyone crying about Raiding, having not participated in any of them?
Why do you care what a few entitled wanna-bes opinion about raiding is?
I did a lot of heroic raiding last expansion. Its raiding, some nights are fun, some nights suck. It also takes time to go collecting for the food, potions, and cauldrons. I just don’t have the drive this time, I want to go out in the open world and goof off, or piddle in LFR.
But make no mistake, I know what raiding is about and have nothing but respect for those that still do that part time job. Pay no attention to those that have never put forth the effort or dedication to the team to get the job done, they are clueless.
Feel free to be wrong.
“Waaaaahhhh we don’t want to have to pvp to get pvp gear!”
gear normalized
“We don’t like having to carry different sets just to pvp.”
stat templates
“We don’t like that non-raiders have gearing paths that is partially competitive with raiding”
inc nerf
pvp now a flustercuck
Yeah bruh, it’s the raiders under attack.
Can’t wait for classic so people like you return back to your own little special layer where you’re forgotten. Or you know, if you want to quit your attitude won’t be missed.
“I enjoy randomly being more powerful than people who are better than me and do better (or even worse, the same) things as me because I can’t feel special otherwise since I lack the requisite skill to do so!”
I hate to burst your bubble, but people of all ages played WoW since beta. As usual, the 30 something millenials that are a portion of the player base think they are dominate demographic that only plays the game.
I play a many different MMOs and this age thing that people constantly bring up in as an excuse to dumb down WoW and make it super accessible to people with no time to play is not an issue outside this game.
No, I actually don’t care.
See when I get an upgrade, I don’t go out and lord it over some Mythic raider. I look at it, see if it’s worth slotting, and probably vendor it.
When there’s a Mythic raider sitting AFKing in Daz, I don’t inspect him to see what his gear is. Chances are really good I don’t even notice him. Because I don’t care. Gear is only good until the next tier set, and at some point if I want the appearance, I’ll go solo the raid in an expac or so.
I don’t live my life around whether or not my gear is better than someone else’s. It is a video game. If you are getting jealous and angry because someone else got something better than you one week, ignoring all the other weeks where they didn’t, that’s a personal character flaw YOU have. No one else.
Idgaf about mythic raiding and never will. It’s not a lack of skill, it’s a lack of interest to even try to get the skill. Heroic raiding is already a chore, and the only reason I bother is for two reason:
- the group I raid with makes it actually fun
- There’s a mount
I don’t raid for the challenge, especially in the snorefest that is BfA raids. I don’t raid for the gear so I can lord it over other people. It’s a means to a new mount and then I will stop raiding once I have it until the next expac.
In Peter Griffin voice
“I’m not sure what’s happening!?”
Good for you. I raid to parse and feel good about myself. Same reason I keep my grass greener than anyone in the neighborhood. Same reason I own a sports car. Same reason I go to escape rooms and beat their best times. Same reason I do basically anything the way I do. I’m competitive to the bone. Game being a casino flies in the face of that.
Also, maybe if you did anything above snorefest difficulty for raids, they’d be more enjoyable, but you already said you don’t play for the challenge. You play for pretty pixels.
with lfr they get to see the story that was the original claims against raiding
Looks like we both raid at a maximum of Heroic, so nice try. You’re not even Mythic yourself.
Didn’t read the rest.
Only way I’m going to stop doing that is if the stuff you get outside of raids has no impact. While people parsing and participating in raids are getting a mechanical advantage over me (as opposed to a skill one) by getting lucky, I’m going to get mad.
Then I just disagree with your opinion that the raids are a snorefest. These raids, the raids in legion, and the raids in wotlk, have all been fantastic with new and novel mechanics.
The raids in Legion and Wrath were good. This expacs raids are boring. We couldn’t even keep a group interested long enough to clear BfD. Maybe we’ll go back and overpower it later.
I read a lot of crazy on the GDs, but this . . . this is a magnificent piece of crazy. I think they’re trolling, but unsure. xD