That’s not the argument here. I’ve seen several raiding guilds die because of loss of interest. There’s nothing good or interesting to get out of the raid, so why would people show up and participate?
You really don’t believe there are people out there whos biggest source of happiness is being better than someone else at something?
Oh no, I do.
I’m just surprised anyone would ever admit it in a public forum. xD
Did it occur to you that it’s a loss of interest in the RAID? Between this expac and Legion’s raid, we struggle to fill raids just from our core raid group because it’s boring. Everyone showed up promptly and repeatedly going through Legion.
Except for EN. We don’t talk about that.
Ummm…only been like this in gaming in general for years now
Harrison Jones and the Raiders of the Last Crusade?
Nope. The moment people stopped getting upgrades was the moment they stopped showing up. It’s become faster and faster every tier. Last tier emissary gear became as good as heroic raid gear, this tier it’s benthic gear.
For me personally, it isn’t the raids that cause me to lose interest. It is the constant RNG on every single thing in the game, the fact that I have to grind reps again for flight doing boring WQs, and the new gogogo attitude that has flooded all aspects of the game thanks to M+ dungeons. Those cause me to not care at all what happens in the game. Raids are great, except for Uldir. I hated that raid. Emerald Nightmare was pretty bad as well.
That’s the whole reason anyone wants to get better. Is to be better than someone else. That’s what wow was made to do. Give you digital hits of dopamine via earned gear and out playing people in pvp.
You’re out of touch old man.
lol really? I totally missed that he’s just a heroic raider. Ahahahaha. That makes his ‘I’m so e-badass and my grass is greener than yours and I drive a sports car!’ crap even more hilarious.
Hard disagree. I set goals for myself and complete them. I’ll do my KSM this season for my own enjoyment, but not because it makes me “better” than another player.
Bahahahaha! I am no MAN.
People hiding this kind of stuff is one of my biggest pet peeves. If people were more open about stuff they felt made them “look bad” when it was the truth, the world would be a better place.
What goals do you set for yourself? I try to get close to mythic gear in as short of time as possible since there’s no BiS lists and everythings random and doesn’t matter because in a few months there will be a power reset and everything you earned becomes worthless on a single expansion patch.
I just mentioned that my goal for season 3 is to do my KSM. That will be a good challenge for me, especially since I have to do it in pugs. My raiding guild isn’t big into mythic+, unfortunately.
And my job’s so busy atm, I don’t have the time to dedicate to raids. Miss it, though!
What is KSM? is it a level 15 key done in time? I have no clue what that is. I mostly pug when bored and only raid 4 hours a week.
Literally no one is denying that people of all ages play this game. My kid plays and even my mom and her friends have been playing off and on since vanilla. But there have been multiple independent studies done throughout the years showing that the average age of WoW’s player base has been increasing and I’d say probably more so now with old players coming back now that Classic is coming out soon.
He also brought up the point that a lot of new players aren’t interested in the typical MMORPG style of playing (which you chose to ignore to focus on “millenials” instead) and he’s absolutely right about that. Hell, just yesterday there was a post in this forum from someone saying we should be allowed to solo current content dungeons and raids. That has nothing to do with age and everything to do with the current mindset of players because all most people care about these days is themselves. Everyone’s a wannabe Twitch streamer looking for attention and wanting to stand out and be special instead of actually working together with other people.
Keystone Master. It’s completing a full round of +15 keystones within the time limit in one season.
It’s how I operate when it comes to PvP. I do want to be better than other players because that’s a means of progression for myself. PvE to a much lesser degree but at the same time I don’t like to be the bottom of the pack when it comes to DPS so I like to compete there as well.