The crusade against Raiders has to stop

There was one guy earlier who mentioned that mythic 5 man should be the endgame content and everything beyond that removed.

Not sure if one person constituted a Crusader though.

Maybe he is a scout.


hands chili fries


Blizzard just needs to add another level of gear above Epic gear called Mythic, give it a unique color like bright yellow, or pink, or something and that will make all the mythic+ and mythic raider be special again. And all the kill lfr and kill mythic raiding will stop.

So, you want me to come into your raiding shiz and be a burden, pretty much die on the spot and be completely useless. Just because bliz made it mandatory to get through that to get my shiny heritage armour?

THIS is what the complaint was about. NOBODY benefits from this. Even if I try my best, I’ll still die. Heritage shouldn’t be a lol git gud thing.

Allied races get it just for leveling. A monkey can do that.
Belf was easy as heck, I don’t think it required anything like dungeons or such.
So why suddenly change it? If it was an elite thing that required effort, then at least keep that level for all of them, don’t suddenly raise the bar.


Oh yes! Pink script on items and always pastel pink color schemes so you can pick the Mythic raiders out of the crowd.

Also, it can’t be transmogged over at all.


You can disagree all you want. Doesn’t matter. We had the numbers when they implemented LFR and commentary from Blizzard at the time about why they were implementing LFR. We still have raids because they can justify the costs by pointing at LFR participation. You’re welcome.


More people raiding because of LFR doesn’t mean there aren’t people who no longer raid higher difficulties because that lower resistance option is available.

Your “point” isn’t even close to what I was saying.

PS the “cost” argument isn’t remotely true. They added it in an attempt to get more and more people to raid. And even the people who originally added it said it was a mistake, but it’s too late to get rid of.

And stop acting like it’s some tiny minority. 15-20% of accounts get aotc each tier. That’s not even counting guilds or pugs who raid normal or some heroic who fall short of aotc. If you’re talking mythic sure call it a niche but stop pretending it’s some miniscule percentage that raid.


Claiming what other people get devalues what you do and get IS jealousy. It’s just dressed up in more words.

I will never raid. Why? Because my reflexes are bad and I have nerve damage in one hand. I know I can’t keep up beyond LFR (and I don’t do LFR that often). I’m not sure about my latter point, but I know I’m not along in the former.


Raiding is for fun, the game is for fun.

Not having fun? I don’t blame you. I had fun once, it was terrible.


So you have data that supports your assertion? I mean, I’d happily look it over if you can demonstrate that your claim isn’t just your opinion, that’s it’s actually predicated on something real and there’s a casual relationship between LFR and people not participating in organized raiding. But you can’t because your argument is just confirmation bias in action. You have an opinion (predicated on nothing) and you believe the outcome is what conforms with your bias with zero evidence to support your assertion. Bravo!

Yes, it is. People never joined raid guilds if they just wanted to see the story to start with. You seem to think they did.

So are you an authority figure on this? Someone who can tell us that there was only one reason it was added? Really? Lol.

Raiders are a tiny portion of the playerbase. And the data that gets armory scraped is based on active characters not accounts. So either you don’t understand the numbers you’re trying to spin or you do know and you’re intentionally being deceptive because you know it’s inflated by sales/alts. CE usually ballparks around 1.2-1.5%. AotC varies between 10-20% pending interest in the tier. I mean, is 1 out of 10 people or 1 out of 5 people at best a minority or a majority? I mean, I know I’m confused there! Heh.

Side note: I raid up through heroic each tier so I’m in that small portion of the population. It doesn’t deflate my ego to acknowledge that I’m in the minority. It’s fine. Different people like different things, it’s not a justification to try to crap on everyone who isn’t a raider.


I keep seeing this complaint on the forums, but are raiders really complaining about “casual content,” outside of Benthic gear (425) oddly simming better than some mythic 445s?

Like, who’s got time for that? They’re all progressing on a new tier atm.

Raiding is fun.

Haven’t been able to do a raid night since my baby arrived, though. :frowning:

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Exceptionally broad definition of crusade.


Blizzard has bent over backwards, these last few expacs especial, to give you raiders what you clamored for: all too often it came at the expense of the rest of the game.
We only want what we paid for; a World.
If I wanna do dungeon crawl, I’ll go back to D3


Lol, raiders don’t dictate anything. Maybe you are thinking about the devs that create the game. And what are you complaining about. You are winning! Raiding is pointless anymore. They now hand out better gear for no effort and offer up the story also through no effort. So, I say again. Why are you complaining, you won.


Not only did they get LFR, now they want the cosmetics and the high ilevel gear as well.

Pandering to people who don’t like MMOs was a mistake. This idea that casual MMO players hate raiding is a myth made up by this vocal minority of ultra casual mobile style gamers that have taken over the narrative.


no it’s not lmao.

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The death of raiding just means the death of anything worthwhile and difficult in the game of wow, save arena (which has even worse balance than raiding) so I’d just quit.

If that many people want wow to be No Man’s Sky: fantasy edition, whatever. They’re dumb, and the game sucks at baseline outside of the challenging content, but if that’s the way they go at least I can leave happily.


Yes. Yes, it is.

The raiding community is dwindling due to WoW players getting older. The people that had time to spend 20 hours a week raiding in 2005 now have careers and families. Dedicated scheduled raiding is a rapidly declining part of WoW. And new gamers don’t seem to be very interested in the MMORPG style of game play.