The Blizzard Cycle, why people are still mad

Of of course not… and their connection to Ion is certainly coincidental too. Silly me… :roll_eyes:

In blizzard’s defense even they thought that was a stupid thing to say.

I think they are trying to do a redemption arc now and again set up a light themed villain for next x pack. That is the whole reason Death Knight Anduin exists.

You literally copy and pasted asmongolds thoughts from his stream. At least give credit where it’s due.

No. You are the first person to make this up. On the long list of “reasons we want to keep players from flying”, “it harms the economy” was NEVER one.

It’s a lie. Flying does not impact the economy in any way.


Redemption after attempted genocide isn’t a thing, nor should it ever be. They went too far, and there should be no going back. Kill her off, move past it, never ever do this storyline again.


if they asked in late beta they weren’t asking about whether to change the entire system, they were probably asking about balance issues and trying to make the system they already decided on fair.

Well it also goes with the reason this story arc exists supposedly this was done by the now fired afrasiabi as payback for not allowing him to do the Garrosh story arc he wanted to go with originally.

So Blizzard was stuck they either kill off the character and go along with the guy who was one of those abusing female employees or pull a bad edemption arc.

I still prefer the extreme course of action of just having all the characters wake up back during Legion.

I despise that trope, but I would accept it here if it purged BFA and Shadowlands from memory.

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That is one the other could be that they needed extra lawyers to help them with the Law Suit and Ion hired these guys because of that connection.

People should acknowledged these are good changes. However, it is equally true that they should be equally skeptical about whether this is genuine or not. They do not have a good track record of making changes based on feedback until it is way too late.

Ion in Preach’s first interview said they had a ripcord ready to pull if they needed it. Then they said later and re-iterated in the second interview that they do not have one nor is it possible due to all the ties and systems in place. This makes me think Ion spoke truth the first time, that they had the ripcord ready. Thus, you wonder if they had doubts of their system in the first place, but went ahead with it and ignoring the feedback. Alternatively, they had it in place to pull when the players drop too much, just like they fixed the problems in Legion and BfA (and to an extent other expansions, but to a lesser degree).

It may appear I’m being cynical about the change, but they have yet to prove they do it out of good intentions because they repeat this same mistake for years. You don’t repeat the same obvious mistake for 6 years and not have it be intentional.

So, yes this is a good change, but no, I highly doubt it’s a shift in their mindset. Come 10.0 they’ll repeat the same “mistakes” and fix them in a later patch once numbers drop. They have to prove it by fixing it before the game launches, even if it means postponing it. I doubt they’ll do that either because of pride or pressure, it doesn’t matter. All that matters is the end result and they show no signs of changing it. I’ll believe it when I see it.


I’ve mentioned this a few times in the past.

7.1.5, 8.1.5, 8.2.5, 8.3.5, and now 9.1.5 all have followed this pattern. The worst part is how we saw Blizzard repeatedly push back against these changes.


If you have to overcome intentional hurdles between yourself and having fun in a game, you’ve got some issues.

TMNT was hard, but fun.
Battletoads was hard, but fun.

Someone pooping in your cornflakes and you successfully eating around it didn’t make eating the cornflakes fun. It made it challenging, but not fun.

If you had the freedom to eat your cornflakes uninterrupted, you could have fun. Artificial difficulty is not the same as actual difficulty.

If you have to design a system to stop your players intentionally - that’s artificial difficulty.

If you make the content long, difficult, and engaging without unnecessary roadblocks like timegating the GAME STORY, the content is meaningful. You conquer the content. You don’t get a frying pan to the face when you hit a certain point and get told: “Come back next week.”


And remember when we all thought Shadowlands was going to be the greatest x pack ever because of how both BFA and Legion turned out …

Patterns are not always predictions of the future.

You know it better than that.

History is a good indication of future actions. We have seen this with every single borrowed power system since legion.


Well according to history and pattern Shadowlands was supposed to be good

You have to remember even if Blizzard loses the lawsuit they can still drag on for sometime and very likely any winnings for the victims will be going to lawyer’s fees. In tat case these guys are very likely hired to convince the other side to settle.

That is made up and opinion driven (regarding good or bad xpacs).

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Well look at this Wrath (good) Cata (Bad) mists (good) WoD (Bad) Legion (good) BFA (Bad)

By history and pattern Shadowlands should have ben good.

So how can you say that when it’s measurable?

Flying = farming becomes easier.
Easier farming = prices drop.

It’s not rocket science.
You can see that correlation occur each expansion.

So you hate flying and try to make a stupid argument. Got it.

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