The Blizzard Cycle, why people are still mad

The game up until Legion: Build a grandiose world with interesting class/spec design that is unique and fun to play

The game Legion up to now: Build a cyclical system as the base that lasts only 2 years and then design the world/class/spec around that

If they keep designing the entire game around their new flashy system as the base instead of class/spec/world as the base then it will FORCE them to redesign things every expansion on a 2yr cycle.

two years of dev time wasted every 2yrs because nothing is built on anymore, it’s redesigned each expansion every 2yrs, including the characters’ classes and specs having to be redesigned because the system is built first then the class/spec around that instead of how it SHOULD be which is class/spec/world first as the base and then a small thing built around that.

Tier gear is borrowed power but it doesn’t change the foundation of a class/spec like all their layered systems have since Legion…their recent “systems” make the core of the class/spec with (now pruned) amount of class spells around that…it should be a unique baseline class toolkit that is fun and unique to each class/spec with a small thing build on top of that, not a system that once it goes away causes a redesign of the class/spec over and over because the characters are hollow without being propped up by each new fleeting system.

The class/spec/game design is built backwards, or upside down…whichever analogy you prefer.

Get rid of single expansion “systems” and “borrowed power” and build the game around the world/class/spec.



BC (good), Wrath (good), Cata (good), Mists (good), WoD (OK, but missing content), Legion (Good AFTER 7.1.5 and before 7.3), BfA (Good game, bad story).

This is always a trash tier response that is almost always followed up by something illogical and completely off base. You made up an opinionated pattern that ignored an xpac and ignored actually factual history of Blizzard’s handling of borrowed powered system.


You forgot Farming bots …those sadly effect the economy of any MMORPG Flying or not.


Bots also benefit from flying.

Cata Endgame was garbage.

Oh so missing a majority chunk of the game was a good thing also Garrisons killed ANY sense of community .

Island expeditions were clunky, Warfronts were disappointing, people were going broke because there was not enough gold being offered to pay for even repairs.



I liked them.


I made 3 million gold in BfA. Gold rained from the sky if you did dailies.


Two can play at that game.

Sorry but some of us have a life.

Blizzard ignoring feed back and then changing the borrowed power systems in the next .5 patch to be more inline with feed back is actually factual. You claiming that an xpac was good or bad is an opinion.

Do you get it?

So you blame not having gold on not playing and that is some how Blizzard’s fault? Did you also complain that you had to gold farm in every other xpac upto WoD to cover repairs, repec, and consumables for raiding?

Please be respectful of your fellow players and don’t insinuate that they don’t have brains and can’t make decisions for themselves. It’s extremely rude and counter productive.

Plenty of people made the decision the game was bad without watching anybody on any third party platform. I don’t need someone else to tell me the game is in a sorry state, I can see it with my own two eyes.


Also May I remind you:

I get it you enjoy doing dailies I do not I prefer to RP I do dailies because I HAVE to to get rep and gold to help me get mog and other stuff to rp.

I don’t think he is saying that I think hes saying people are choosing not use their brains and simply letting others make their decisions for them because those people are popular.

The people who were responsible for the last 3 xpacs are still at the helm. The head of Blizzard has changed and the lead story guy has changed. All the other heads are still there.

Your other responses are irrelevant. For instance saying “it is a step in the right direction” which is ignoring that they have made the exact same step half a dozen times now.

So you spend money, don’t do activities to make money, and then blame Blizzard for not having money? Got it. How did you get gold before mission tables?

Maybe but the bosses who let them do that are gone…now the people signing their paychecks have changed now they have a choice, put in effort or be shown the door.

If you believe that then why are you still here if I was thinking the same as you I would have unsubbed and moved on long ago.

And this honestly applies to everyone here saying nothing will change. The Fact you are still here posting on this forums PROVES that you do not believe what you are saying.

For myself I would not put in the effort in somthing that would never get results in …if you believe nothing will change you should not even bother putting money into a company that will never change.

You are the first person to ever manufacture this fake retroactive excuse for removing flight.

“But it will mess up the economy if I can’t buy out everybody’s stuff and relist at exorbitant prices, because everybody’s flying.”

No. Your lame rationale is still lame. You don’t understand rocket science.

“Remove flight, trap everybody in the cities, and force PvP on everybody! It’ll be fantastic for the game and the economy if nobody can afford anything because there’s no supply because they all quit.”

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Man you sure like to try and change the topic to deflect from your erroneous posts.

Because the difference between you and me is that I made my line in the sand which is going to be the next x pack and if Blizzard does not respect it I am leaving and very likely not coming back. Yet according to you Blizzard has crossed that line with you long ago it makes no sense.

Yes it is about time as well … In shadowlands I can make the same amount of gold as I can in BFA in less time.

As I said before BECAUSE of the walkout, BECAUSE of the new leaders, BECAUSE of the 9.5.1 I am going to give Blizzard ONE last chance. And if they do not change I am gone. But I am hoping all of those COMBINED will bring change.

Yes it is about time as well … In shadowlands I can make the same amount of gold as I can in BFA in less time.

Basically the same thing.
It’s a stupid and insulting thing to say. This player knows this and is constantly attacking everyone that has a problem with anything of the game.

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You look at what is going on in the US right now and tell me those people do not exist.

We have people taking HORSE MEDICINE because someone told them it cures the coronavirus.

And I agree in a sense you should play something because YOU Enjoy it not because someone popular does.

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Yes. And what was the result? Nothing.

Uhm… I don’t get your point.
The game has problems, attacking everyone and defending Blizzard all the time is insane, yes.

People are playing WoW because they want to. Because they have friends here and played for years, because they like the franchise and hope for better times.

I myself still play because of my friends and guild. If it stays this bad though 10.0 could be the end for me.