The Blizzard Cycle, why people are still mad

Looking at that 155 achievement score makes me seriously doubt you played through either Legion or BFA.

The only reason they were Incompetent was because they were being lead by people who were more interested in covering up their abuse of female employees then they were of making good content.

No Whales like to win with their wallets. If they can’t do that they will look for a different game.

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I play since before either of those expansions. This is not my main account. That one would be on a EU Server. You know where they ignore every feedback from.

Yeah and the same people are still working for Blizzard. Why are the system devs then going on rants and attacking players?
There is no change happening so far.

Not only. That’s only one sort of whale. Most of them don’t care about winning. With the token they can though and they use it.


If you mean this tweet?

Then you are a vile human being. These are human beings and right now they are caring for their own employees. The walkout shows that the Blizzard team is just as disgusted with what happened as the leadership are. And then to have the players basically say “We don’t care about you we just want out content.” any wonder why they are lashing out?

If that the case then why did blizzard buff the amount of gold the average player gets in Shadowlands?

Also before you say anything I am NOT a fanboy believe me if this next x pack is not an improvement I am out the door. I just have not given up hope yet.

All of those ideas were complete bombs except perhaps artifact weapons and they tried to carry that on with the Heart of Azeroth, look how that turned out.

Correct, but there are elements that could have been used and improved on.

Garrisons could have led to guild housing, offering more engaging social activities and avenues for pursuing content.

Artifact weapons could have been a precursor to allowing us to develop our own artifacts that we continue improving over time, making them more personal instead of being a famous lore item.

Island Expeditions could have been a way to implement player piloted ships, or to present an open world set of content where we choose where we’d wanna go and explore, instead of being a stupid “queue and quit” sort of thing.

War Fronts were a complete suck fest, but they were a cool concept initially, and could have been improved upon.

The point is… nothing is assured to be 100% from the get go, but refining and improving is the key to success. No author bangs out a first draft and publishes; you do edits, you spell check, you revise and rewrite - you keep pushing until it is in good form. Scrapping it entirely because the first chapter was bad gets you no where.


No, that’s only one of them.

You know european players are now often making a free U.S. accounts only for the forums because we are getting ignored in the EU ones right?
It also allows for more interactions.

No. I am not an abuser like those trash persons.
I pay them for a product. Not for lies, bad quality or to assult and abuse women.

That are asulting other humans. Correct.
A lot of the abusers are still working for Blizzard. In fact most likley most of them.
Also a union busting firm was hired from Blizzard.

They don’t lash out because of that and you know it. You are a terrible liar.
That’s also not what anyone here is saying.

I got it you are simping for Blizz. You don’t care that their workers are starving or getting abused.

You simply belive for no reason that they will change.
It’s so stupid I can’t belibe you are that naive.
What a stupid thing to even write. Quite disgusting.

I’m not saying you should give up. I say don’t be stupid. Wait until 10.0 before you praize them it belive anything.

I agree with you there.

They kind of did that with the hear of Azeroth in BFA and Crafted Legendaries in Shadowlands.

With both these things the x pack itself comes to mind… there is no place to sail in the Shadowlands and I think Warfonts would have been best as a PVP feature but since the Alliance and Horde right now are at a ceasefire then it makes no sense to add it now.

All I was saying this is a step in the right direction. I am not saying that the game has made the full 180 yet. They still have plenty of time to mess it up …however I am willing to give praise when praise is due and as I said this is a step in the right direction.

I’m talking about it being ours, our item, our choice. We could make a piece of armor an artifact, or a weapon, or a trinket. Whatever we want, not some forced item that literally every single other player in the game shares. There was nothing unique about the Heart of Azeroth.

I didn’t say that boats would have to go to Shadowlands. I think we should stay on Azeroth in the first place. Shadowlands looked like an absolute failure from the get go. The story was uninspired, based on a wholly flawed narrative from BFA, and pushed forward with the clear intent to focus on anything but the stories that matter.

We should always have content back on Azeroth to do. These expansions where we get one continent are tiring. I’d rather have fewer stories -but spread out in each zone, rather lots of stories in one area, following one group of people, and one plot. When we get to expansions like Shadowlands, where if you have zero interest in the narrative, you’re stuck sitting on the sidelines.

I’m so bloody sick of Anduin, and Sylvanas, and Thrall, and all the others they’ve been ramming down our throats for years. There are literally thousands of characters we could be following, and none get more than a one liner here and there.

Agreed, but it also makes no sense to be at a ceasefire either. So, at least there’s consistency in things being dumb and nonsensical.

I think they wanted to move away from the faction conflict story and focus more on of an all encompassing Big bad guy as that is where I think the story is at its best.

And the last two times the game focused on the faction war it was an utter failure.

Not all of them are the walkout shows that.

I personally think the abusers should all be fired if not Imprisoned. However I am smart enough to realize not ALL the employees were complicit in that.

Where is your proof on that, because I think those that are not out the door yet are going to be out soon.

Just a law firm was famous for busting Unions does not mean that that was the reason they were hired. Very likely they were hired to defend Blizzard in the lawsuit or more likely to negotiate a settlement.

beta is too late already - they make most of the game changes in alpha

and people are never going to be happy period.

They certainly do that better than the abstract concepts, but with SL they’ve failed in epic proportions by rushing out a bad guy that no one knows about, or cares about.

I don’t disagree, but the root problems haven’t been resolved yet and that’s an issue. We can’t move on from the faction war until we actually get a resolution, and address the seeds of conflict. Right now we stopped fighting because… we needed to? Again? Old gods?! We’ve had that story in Wrath, MoP, Legion, and now BFA. There’s always a “big bad that distracts us from the faction conflict, and we need to set aside our differences to defeat it, but then everything goes back to how it was.”

None of the root issues have been solved: the Horde continually pursuing genocide as a legitimate means of resolving their issues, the Alliance being incapable of forgiving because of past atrocities committed against them, resource shortages that seem to be very inconsistent (depending on the whims of the writers), war time economic fatigue, etc.

There are so many important elements that should be focused on, but instead - we just got the conflict hand waved away, and now we’re magically all friends?

Downright insulting is what it is.

It was garbage back in MoP when we didn’t get a conclusion to the faction war, and it’s double garbage now, especially given how horrific it was this time around.

This too Blizzard has a PVP, a PVE and an RP palyerbase they are all trying to make happy even if the x pack is the best thing since wrath there will STILL be folks here complaining.

I think that 9.2 will be a good chance for them to prove they really do listen and they aren’t just doing the usual damage control because they’ve lost so many subs. If they introduce new grindy crap systems to layer on top of the systems now then we will know they don’t really care. In 9.2 I’d really rather not see any new systems. Let us wear another legendary. Give us some new dungeons and raid. Give us tier instead of some dumbs new borrowed power system. I don’t mind new zones like Korthia, that’s fine and fun to go hunt for new mounts and stuff. It’s not fun when it’s a new grind fest that you have to do instead of want to do.

I think they wrote themselves into a corner in BFA and they did not know what to do with Sylvnanas. Also I think they are also using Shaodwlands as a setup for a light themed bad guy next x pack.

Honestly…. I don’t even think the covenant system was as bad as azorite gear in 8.0.

The real problem was when blizzard decided to double down in 9.1.

I guarantee you if they had given us actually tier sets instead of domination sockets, didn’t add another farm mechanic for legendaries, etc, 9.1 would have been perceived completely different regardless of covenants.

The main issue is that after WotLK, developers started seeing players as an obstacle and an enemy to achieving their own personal goals (mainly stuff lasting longer and needing less work to update and keep relevant). Unfortunately this has been fully supported by management that shared same goals.

Stuff like flying (still has not been fully fixed to what players want and w. Maw (no mounts until 9.1) it has even been made worse - immersion my backside), idiotic loooong world quests like 50% of Shadowlands’ ones w. a recent critter one (that was fixed) as a shinning example of design to keep uninteresting and unrewarding things take too long to complete, almost sadistically punishing players for playing the game and giving Blizzard money.

We do not live in year 2005 anymore. It is year 2021. People do want and expect to be able to play fast paced games. If you want to be relevant keep delivering or people will (and do) switch to something else.


Flying isn’t about immersion.
It’s about the economy.

Flying substantially impacts the price of herbs and other goods.

This would be doubly true for the Maw that only spawns rare nodes.

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The issue is that right now these same people are telling us players are insufficiently grateful for getting stuff they haven’t gotten yet, and don’t know the particulars about. Will it be what people are hoping for or something less useful? Will they sneak in untested changes that people will hate, as they usually do?

Flying was never about the economy. Making up brand new rationales makes you an apologist.


'scuse me while I vomit.

Yes they did.

I vote for that we wake up and it was all a bad dream. Go back to the middle of Legion’s story, don’t kill Helya, and instead have her and Odyn be opposing forces in BFA. Let us find out that Sylvanas was after a cure or some crap to save the Forsaken from dying out. Then we can focus on two sorely treated elements of the story (Sylvanas and the Forsaken), in a way that doesn’t make either of them out to be complete villains.

Do something genuinely worthwhile with Sylvanas, instead of dooming her as a villain on an irreversible course like they did in BFA.

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and so what - should players not enjoy the game because ‘some’ want high prices for herbs


That doesn’t change the fact that flying does impact the economy.

Stating a fact isn’t being an apologist lmao.

You can see this reflected in prices (rare blue mineral is the only resource selling for above 20g now - 100% due to flying)