The Blizzard Cycle, why people are still mad

So people are still angry despite getting what they want because of what is called the Blizzard cycle.

  1. Blizzard releases a system into the game on an expansion Beta.
  2. The said system is hated by beta players they give tons of feed back on how to fix it.
  3. System goes live with Blizzard saying they know better or its impossible to make it the way players want.
  4. About a year goes by regular players hate said system many quit.
  5. Now that a year+ has gone by Blizzard comes out with a post saying how they listen to players feed back and now the said system is going to be fixed in the next update.
  6. The now fixed system is gone in the next expansion beta and we start the cycle over.

This has been happening since Legion and keeps happening. People won’t be happy till the fix a bad system in beta and go live with changes made due to beta feedback.


I walk just walking to the kitchen and stubbed my toe on the desk.

it hurts and nobody cares


I’m not mad, I’m miffed. Where does miffed fit into the cycle?

…nevermind, there’s no cycle….You’re a cycle!!! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


What’s ironic is how some of the people telling us to “be grateful that Blizzard fixed their mistakes,” are the same people who defended the mistakes in the first place.


One of us does! What a tragedy. :pleading_face:


I totally care! Where you carrying a warm/hot beverage? Did you get warmed/burned??

Where are my manners??!

First: are you ok?

If you ok, is it ok for us to laugh now? Stubby? Is it okay?

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In general I agree, but let’s not forget that many of the self-proclaimed “casuals” on this forum supported the covenant restrictions, conduit energy, etc. Shadowlands was very much an expansion designed for the casual player who wanted everyone else to suffer. It’s not like Blizzard was ignoring everyone, they were just listening to the wrong people.


the part i love about this

is Ralph

who championed the hell out of “player choice”

he got what he wanted. then quit. because when casuals get what they want, they quit. it’s all about power over players they hate, not about what they actually will enjoy inside of the game, that leads to their opinions on what should and shouldn’t exist.


I think they would perhaps be better off with a mass beta for several months available to all who prepurchased. Get all the feedback early from the masses and improve the game in various areas based on feedback as needed.

You don’t seem to understand.

The alpha & beta players warned them about all of this. They warned them about everything that went wrong in BfA, too (including all the problems war mode would run into).


Yeah but that was a small sample size of the playerbase mostly filled with elite players from what I gathered. Having a much larger portion of the playerbase participating like in Mists would lead to better data overall and more early feedback. But I have personally lost all hope in regards to giving any feedback years ago so yay.

no one’s mad, many of us are just tired of the bs of playing bad stuff and waiting for it to get fixed.

I have never watched so much Netflix in my life this year waiting for Blizz to remove their collective digit from their collective…


The problem isn’t a lack of feedback, the problem is that Blizzard ignores the feedback.

Even when they ASK for specific feedback, they ignore it. One of the blues started a thread later in beta asking for SPECIFIC covenant feedback, and they got hundreds and hundreds of replies all pointing out the same problems with the system.

Blizzard ignored it. They don’t even listen to the feedback they ask for.



The whining players won’t be happy until the systems are made easy, simple, create zero challenges and optimizes their characters to the fullest so they can pretend they are good at the game from the git go.

It’s funny how many players managed to complete content without the changes. It’s almost like they overcame the challenges and went on to be victorious based on their own ability.

i was going to make a post like this but decided who really cares… buy it or dont, give them money or dont


Yeah it is a bit frustrating but to play devils advocate they do listen at times and implement changes. We aren’t developers either and they have a vision on how it is supposed to work, but if it isn’t fun “why play it.”

Do we know that he quit?

Its cyclical. Happens every expansion, as soon as we get to the end it works, then the system is scrapped and a new one that is broke is put into place. Asmon believes its intentionally built into the system to extend user engagement.


innovation involves risk. being a critic is easy. I wonder how many succesful new systems OP proposed.

game is good, adapt yourselves and enjoy the adventure.