The big battleground feedback thread

I’m creating this thread with the hopes of using it when linking to various points of feedback. Feel free to discuss any suggestions below and I’ll add in good ideas!


  • Vendors in Oribos should exchange honor points for Marks of Honor, allowing players access to potions, feasts, gliders, and transmog.
  • Add in a vendor to Oribos to purchase said PvP utilities so players don’t have to travel across dimensions.
  • The vendor should also offer the profession bags awarded by the Adventure Table for honor, allowing PvPers a way to gain small amounts of trade goods (for their professions and/or auction house).


  • Health of keep walls should be reduced by approx. 30%
  • Health of towers should be increased by approx. 60%
  • The Tower Control buff should return and apply to Siege Damage, Healing, Health, and Damage.
  • Workshops within the Fortress should only offer 2 additional vehicles each to the defending team.
  • Demolisher and Siege Engine damage to players should be reduced by 30% and their health increased by 40%.
  • Players entering the battleground after starting should automatically be given access to the highest building rank players on that team have access to.
  • Bug preventing demolishers hitting the walls with their missiles should be investigated and fixed.
  • Collision should be added to the upper portion of Keep Walls, preventing Demon Hunters from leaping across the keep destroying all cannons whilst out of range from enemy players.

Alterac Valley

  • Health and damage of all NPCs could do with a further 200% boost.
  • War Masters and War Marshals could do with a 60% health standalone increase and also become immune to pet taunts.
  • Iceblood Graveyard could do with being the version from Korrak’s Revenge.
  • Stormpike and Frostwolf Insignia toys should have their cooldown reduced to 30-seconds.

Isle of Conquest

  • Overlord Agmar and High Commander Halford Wrymbane’s health and damage could do with a 200% increase, allowing more opportunity for defense.
  • The generals should be immune to pet taunts
  • Glaive Throwers could do with another 100% health.
  • Demolishers and the Siege Engine could do with another 60% health.
  • Gates could do with another 50% health.
  • Horde players should gain a 10% mount speed increase for 30-seconds when preparation fades.

Deepwind Gorge

  • Can we trial an increase in capacity here? 20v20 for non-rated. The map is too big for how many players there are; a lot of time is just spent running between nodes.
  • A short immunity to fall damage should apply to players who have recently resurrected.


  • Pure Songflower Serenade buff should be reduced to 3% effectiveness or nodes added to the Ashmaul Burial Ground.
  • Jeron Emberfall’s Living Bomb should be tweaked to remove the knockback component, or he should no longer use this ability.
  • Jeron should only use Summon Lava Fury once when engaged in combat.
  • Rylai Crestfall’s Ice Shard should have a 400% health increase (it deals no damage, so it should be harder to kill to remove the debuff it provides)
  • Rylai’s Mass Polymorph ability should be removed, or tweaked to no longer heal her enemies.
  • Increase reinforcements to 250
    – If an increase in reinforcements is not possible, reduce the reinforcements lost from slaying the mages to 25 instead of 50. Losing a third of all reinforcements for an indefensible mage dying feels bad.
  • Increase Rylai and Jeron’s health by 50%.
  • Reduce the requirements for Fangraal and Kronus to 1000 artifact fragments: they never see any play in battleground Ashran.


  • Arathi Blizzard has proved itself; can it be added to the regular battleground queue?
  • Korrak’s Revenge and Endless Ashran should be promoted to off-week brawls, allowing players seeking endless bloodshed a way to sate their desires without having to wait up to a year for their favourite activity to return.
  • Korrak’s Revenge would be the perfect AV map if the Horde starting cave was where Epic AV’s is.
  • Use the Southshore Mob Scaling Aura to increase health and damage of all NPCs by 150%: entering enemy territory should come with a risk of being overwhelmed by powerful guards.

There is already a feedback thread for epic bgs. This should just be copy-pasted into that thread.

But anyways, the only feedback that matters is adding Southshore vs Tarren Mill to the rotation, which you left out (disappointing). Everything else is secondary imo.

As for Wintergrasp, if they just let us blacklist it 90% of the complaints would disappear overnight.


Deepwind sucks. Bring back old deepwind. And bring back Strand.


Yes, this is a strange post when Deepwind Gorge is being praised (or even mentioned) in a thread about epic bgs :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

The new version of the bg isn’t fun and people complain/groan about it almost as much as Seething Shore. Feels like a slower/more drawn out, worse version of Arathi Basin, it’s a slog.

It’s modeled after Arathi Basin, but it’s objectively worse than Arathi Basin just due to the sheer size of the map/travel time between nodes and the terrible line of sight issues that make it difficult to see incs.

They dropped the ball on the remodel, the old version of the map was more interesting.

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Add blacklisting


Good post … except Arathi blizzard.

Horde already have an advantage with BS and the blizzard amplifies that advantage by reducing visibility and placing a greater premium on mobility. Its imbalanced and not fun.

Can you go into further detail? I’ve not experienced any such imbalance - my win rate so far this week is at 100% for this brawl on one of my Alliance 60s. A small sample size but still 100% win rate (solo queue).

For the above poster, this isn’t just about epic battlegrounds. This is about all battlegrounds, and it’s a big post, hence “big battleground feedback” thread. I’m afraid that the Epic Battleground Feedback thread hasn’t been acknowledged by Blizzard in almost two years and if you think they will be wading through the 600+ posts that have been made since their last post, that is unlikely to happen.

Horde win 65-35 in random BG based on the general data for early week matches. it levels out a bit later in the week after horde has capped.

BS is a huge advantage in AB because it alows quick access to support any base. With Blizzard, you can;t see incoing so being able to move quickly is even more advantgaeous … so horde’s advanatge is even bigger.

It’s true for random BGs in general but worse for this one.

Bliz shoud balance random PvP or get rid of it … but I guess there’s too many alliance with no self respect,

This isn’t a thread strictly about epic BGs.
It’s a big battleground thread. To clarify, a battleground thread which is big.

i really think this would be fun as a 40v40, i know that seems crowded, but it would result in a lot of combat similar to SSvTM but still maintaining map objectives.

You can queue for any individual BG you want. Blacklisting a “random” BG kind of blacklists the word “random” too. They need to fix Wintergrasp, not make it obsolete.

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Yes, a lot of the “just let us blacklist” people don’t seem to realize that that doesn’t improve the game. It hides a problem, it doesn’t solve it. We should be advocating for change, not for smokes and mirrors.

I would love this in Rated Battlegrounds. :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: I appreciate the effort of your post.


This has been my biggest complaint with epic Ashran. If the alliance fails to contest songflowers it automatically puts them at a huge disadvantage in the BG.

Another point I would like to make is the possibility of adding Tol Barad in the rotation or as a brawl. it wasn’t the best battleground but seeing as how Shadowlands didn’t add any new ones to the rotation revamping Tol Barad seems like a good step. Maybe a Strand rework too or just as a brawl, same thing with old Deepwind. I don’t like seeing old content being completely erased and would like it preserved in some way.


That’d be cool, but change the flags from clickable into an AOE node like mine carts to force fights on them.

D:? no pls n ty

I agree, largely, with the points you present in your post, Bynir. I haven’t heard anyone really complain about new Deepwind; I have a sincere affection for that one. Having it as a 20x20 would be neat…

My one addition to your post would be to make Cooking Impossible a regular bg rather than a 2 or 3 times a year event. It’s my favourite thing in all of WoW :slight_smile:

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Defense can have double the tanks out of the gate, but if they changed it so you had to actually capture the base. Then defend a flag for a minute or 2 I think that could be interesting.

Strand was my favorite BG, and my friends, too. We often lament its loss.

Many a night spent sailing in on those boats trying to take the beachheads.

It should definitely return as an epic BG, IMO. At the very least a brawl. But I’dI’ve to see it’s glorious return.

I know it was the most blacklisted (I personally always blacklisted old-school panda cart escort, and that alone) but it was my favorite.


I was very surprised that the introduction of the brawl system didn’t have Strand. It is so unusual to outright delete content. I wouldn’t mind it back as a brawl, because people that hated it can then just avoid that week, like many did with Comp Stomp (aside from the free rewards).

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