The state of Wintergrasp

To put it simply - It needs to be removed from the game.

Offense win to loss ratio is so one sided.
I see people who load into the game seeing that they’re offense in Wintergrasp and they will /afk and leave the match right away. More often than not I see afk people scattered throughout the map for the grueling 15-20 min loss we have to endure.

Defense side taking out the towers doesn’t remove enough time off of the whopping 30min timer. What’s that even for? To give offense more time to advance I assume? Turns out they get farmed in the graveyard for 15mins straight. Almost everytime I get defense my team ends up destroying all towers, getting all workshops and trapping nearly 3/4 of the enemy team in the only graveyard they have and farming HKS for the rest of the battleground duration.

There’s A LOT of tuning this BG needs and that’s clear. Instead of taking the time to tune it and address vehicle pvp damage etc etc…
We should all ban together and suggest to Blizzard that they remove it from the game.
Please. :pleading_face:




It definitely needs to be tuned a bit, and the Demolisher bug needs to be fixed, but outright removing it from the game is too far lol.
Many folks, including myself, enjoyed Wintergrasp a lot back in BFA, and I personally do still enjoy Wintergrasp (offense; defense is too easy) in Shadowlands. This kind of attitude was what butchered SoTA.

It’s actually 45 minutes lol.
It’s 30 minutes only after destroying all the towers.

We should be advocating for fixes, not removal. Wintergrasp was really fun in Wrath, and it can be fun in its battleground iteration when it’s a relatively close game (read: people not abandoning after 3 minutes).

When you breach the courtyard and you’re trying to get the door down to capture the relic, I love that chaos. It’s just too few and far between. Offense vs defense definitely needs work.

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What is the demolisher bug?

The Demolisher Ranged attack does not hit the Wall Hitbox.

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That really needs to be fixed it’d probably make attack wins more common

thing is it was designed as a 120 v 120 map

the 40v40 scaling just missed the mark

The only thing you can do in WG on offense, is just treat it as an HK farm. Hop in a catapult and burn baby burn. As annoying as WG is, I usually walk out of there with a ton of honor.

There are some fairly simple things they could do to fix this BG, it wouldn’t really take much.

  1. Fix demo bug
  2. Reduce vehicle damage to players by 50%
  3. Reduce the “cast” time of RPGs by 50%

That alone would probably fix it.

They need to bring back the blacklist

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