Check out these suggestions, because right now the whole process of spending honor is convoluted. Post in there if you like the suggestions - the more eyeballs the better!
Vendors in Oribos should exchange honor points for Marks of Honor, allowing players access to potions, feasts, gliders, and transmog.
Add in a vendor to Oribos to purchase said PvP utilities so players don’t have to travel across dimensions.
The vendor should also offer the profession bags awarded by the Adventure Table for honor, allowing PvPers a way to gain small amounts of trade goods (for their professions and/or auction house).
I’m creating this thread with the hopes of using it when linking to various points of feedback. Feel free to discuss any suggestions below and I’ll add in good ideas!
Vendors in Oribos should exchange honor points for Marks of Honor, allowing players access to potions, feasts, gliders, and transmog.
Add in a vendor to Oribos to purchase said PvP utilities so players don’t have to travel across dimensions.
The vendor should also offer the profession bags awarded by the Adventure Table fo…
(P.S if you are not an enchanter but you have an enchanting house in your garrison, you can still DE)