Thanks For Not Caring About Holidays. Again

I’m following you around in my own thread? Ok sure

You just replied to me on another thread 30 seconds before you posted that to me here on your thread. Then you did the same thing to me on an entirely different thread less than 5 minutes ago. Cuz you are bored. Go be this bored somewhere else.

The one where you made a looney Alex Jones theory that Blizz disabled tcg code redemption to force people to watch twitch?

Prove it.

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88% if you are below 50 with the Draught of the ten lands from BFA.

I wish we could stack those potions again

What kind of logic is it, that you claim the OP is following you around…when you come into the OP’s thread of your own volition. Then start claiming the OP is just “trying to egg you on”. Definitely doesn’t look that way in this instance.

Its a fact. You can no longer turn in the TCG code to get the drake or any others right now. They simply do not redeem. The only way to get that mount now is by watching Twitch. Everybody knows that. Why dont you? And you have done this to me more than once as well. You are who you are.

It is an absolute fact that the ONLY way you can get that mount as of right now is to watch twitch. You cannot get it with TCG code turn ins anymore. They will likely change that soon. People have even tried to turn in that mount and they couldn’t.

Not a theory if it has been proven to be true.


Off topic, but I’d like to see your proof.

Youre the one throwing a fit that we didnt get anything for WoWs 18th. They have made multiple announcements that they are only going to give anniversary rewards for major milestones. The 10t, the 15th, the 20th. And also when they need to promote the game to get subs. Other than that… this is just another year.

Ya sure, so 17th that got a mount and toy was what then? :clown_face:

You’re on a roll.

Blizz DID say that they were not going to do major events for all the anniversary’s. Only major milestones. That is an absolute fact. They really did say that. The 17th was to promote other things. They announced they would release Korraks Revenge for every anniversary moving forward. And the 17th was another promotion thing which I already stated that they do.

It is OBVIOUS that they are living up to their words because they are still only releasing Korraks Revenge.

You’re just throwing a childish temper tantrum on the forums because you didnt get a gift for the anniversary.


Is OP an Alt of that Priest that used to make topics white Knighting Blizzard all the time?

That name of theirs looks familiar…

OP isn’t the one I’d describe as throwing a tantrum. Just saying.

If it’s not one of the T-gang, I don’t really keep track of the trolls and their names. Maybe? You can never tell with Classic posters, since they don’t have a collection to spot check.

No, that Priest was named Humanbeak, maybe. This persons name is hunanbeak.

WOW is old enough to smoke and drink in some countries!

100% of every post the OP has made has been to complain about something. OR to make up lies about how things are so toxic.

In-Game Toxicity Against 12-Month Sub Players - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (

I have had zero toxicity aimed at me and I have that mount. Lots of people say cool mount and stuff. That was a flat out lie that they did just to be negative. They are an unhappy person who goes out of their way to complain about 100% of everything put into the game.

I am willing to bet that they dont even have the mount. OP just goes out of their way to find things to complain about and always picks the trending topic to do so.

It probably is them then. This is most likely the DK they made to get the Frostbrood mount.

No it’s me!