Thanks For Not Caring About Holidays. Again

I’d just prefer they focus on more important things, specially with an expansion on the way.


Ok bro.


I think this time next year, if we’re still getting the same old stuff, then we can complain.

Like I said, I think they could’ve handled the work from home COVID time better, but it still was a tough time, and if they are playing catch up, I would rather them focus 100% on Dragonflight.

If Dragonflight isn’t a stellar expansion, WoW might not recover from that…

We’ve been saying that since we figured out BFA wasn’t salvageable. I’m pretty sure DF can be another crash and burn expac and they’ll still churn out another three expansions afterwards.

Luckily, at least for me, nothing is throwing red flags for DF.

SL the covenant and paid legendary system and BFA the Azerite armor issues were already making me skittish.

You might be right. I might just be in denial.

I just want this game to stop circling the drain.

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The best ones were the turtles. The xp rolling in.

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I think we all want it to stop circling the drain. We have no say in the matter beyond torpedoing the game by all leaving.

We can’t make them make WoW great, we can only hurt them for making it poor.

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I know at least for me, this is the final try.

If Dragonflight ends up like Shadowlands, I’m done for good.

I hope it doesn’t end up going that way, but it is what it is.

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I actually managed to level my Hunter since the expansion started lol.

The buffs make leveling in this game a lot less awful.

I didn’t expect much since pretty much nearly all their focus has been Dragonflight, long before this xpack was even halfway done with.

Then again, it is their birthday, if they want to copy and paste last year, good on em. I’m just glad they didn’t go and “fix” BfA tokens or start giving crappy ilvl loot like I expected they would by now.

At the very least it would have been nice for them to update the holiday mount models. There’s nothing interesting about mounts like HH that are hard to get yet look like something from 20 years ago.

I get the whole vanilla vintage look. But at a certain point.

They should have just made them 100% or purchasable from the holiday vendors.

Love rocket on vendor please

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Off topic, what what heck is going on with your avatar pic? You’re not a Gnome…or are you with you mess up pic.

Nevermind, I know what is happening. Brewmaster Artifact, yet it’s messed up in the avatar page. lmao

Yeah, something happened like…what, two weeks ago. It didn’t used to do that. :pensive:

Or like how my paladin for the THIRD YEAR IN A ROW was unable to get an achievement done due to the same exact quest glitching. I looked it up. it has been complained about on the forums since 2019.

I have the achievement already on 4 other toons. But I want it on my paladin too.

Thats the only holiday event to complain about. This one is not. On some toons the buff went away and never came back for the 18% buff. But for most it worked just fine.

Uhhh :rofl:

Yea see this is the 4th post you have gone out of your way to follow me around to just to try and egg me on. You do this a lot to me and to other posters too.

Your thread here but you have been following me around a lot and I have seen other people making fun of you for doing it to them too.

WoW can now enlist and marry in all states, has to pay taxes now too.

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