In-Game Toxicity Against 12-Month Sub Players

Whispers and chat messages are filled with both ends of the spectrum: on one end we have the typical “cool mount”, but the other end, which is much more vocal, has messages like “lol you dummy spending $150 on this game” or “hope you can’t pay your electric bill after that so i don’t have to see you.”

Why are people like this in the community? I don’t get it. How I spend my money is my business. I don’t go around telling everyone without the murloc mount that they’re broke, but the opposite is happening to those of us with the mount?

We don’t deserve hatred for the mounts we use in a video game. Why is there such a level of vitriol in general with anything that people call a “store mount” anyways? It needs to end. It’s not welcoming to those who commit to the game, nor is it welcoming to new players who see this kind of thing going on.



That’s it. That’s the reason.


I’d just put these people on ignore and go about my day withoutever thinking of it again.


I guess I’m lucky because I have received 0 negative messages when riding my Grrloc, only people asking how to get it.


Yeah, wow players can be weird like that. They’ll flame each other just because they’re…also subscribed.


Your best move is to /ignore and move on.

Oh, and report if it gets serious. Social Contract is here for a reason.


People get mad on just about anything for no reason these days.


Report/ignore, giggle and move on.


Yeah the community sucks big time and honestly is not gonna get better, I would advice to just block them and go on with your day, it is a shame but it is what it is


I’d do what was said above about just ignoring it.

There is a long history of toxicity being thrown at anyone that has a mount not directly obtainable in game regardless of how valid it may or may not be, such as the star pony when it first came out still didn’t deserve all the toxicity it got, but was more understandable as the first pure store mount.

But the toxicity thrown at the 6 month (or now 12 month) sub mounts is ridiculous, someone on a 6 or now 12 month sub is paying less money than someone just paying the standard subscription ($12.99 a month vs 14.99), it is pure logical sense if someone knows they are going to be playing WoW for a stretch of time, and can afford to pay in larger amounts every 6-12 months instead of smaller per month, to do it.

And the 6 month subscription was $12.99 from the very beginning, years before promotion mounts were a thing, and that price didn’t ‘go up’ when they started throwing them in, it is nothing more than a ‘thank you for being subscribed’ free mount.

And yet it receives almost the same toxicity as pure store mounts, despite it being nothing but the free mount from doing the pure logical thing to do if one intends to be playing for a long stretch of time regardless.


Just /laugh at them and continue on. If they said something reportable, just report them. Someone that angry over other people spending as little as 150 on a game, are going to probably be too strapped for cash to buy it again after they’re banned.


Hiya Humanbeak

It will just last for few days then they will settle down and find else to rage at


Press F to doubt.


There is a certain streamer who would tell his rabid moron of a cult to spit on players with store mounts. Its not too far of a stretch to think they would continue harassing players even after the spitting was removed. I have never experienced this but then again I ignore chat and only talk on discord.


Did that REALLY happen?

If it did, I wouldn’t pay much attention to it. The people in this game who are anti-store mounts are, at the core it, jealous. It could be something as simple as not having the means to put forward the upfront $$ or it could be much more deep-rooted where it was a vanilla player who wants things to go back to the way they were (i.e. no WoW token, no in-game store etc.) since they had some perception of themselves being relevant 20 years ago.

Either camp doesn’t warrant much attention. Just enjoy your mount!


I don’t think the well known troll impersonating another troll gets to whine about toxicity.

it’s safe to assume everything this OP - in all of his incarnations - posts is just that… a troll.


Sorry that happened to you, although your choice of name is pretty sus.

Anyways I feel like Blizz really needs to think of allowing some sort of restriction with whispers e.g. friends only.

For now maybe you can think of changing your whisper setting to open in a new tab so that it’s easier to ignore things?

Of course! It’s a wonderful mount! Makes me want to buy the bundle!

Regardless of the credibility of the original poster and event said, the general thrust of the original post does happen, and the toxicity towards subscription promotion mounts is silly.

People that are saving money (paying $12.99 a month vs $14.99) over 6 months getting a free mount thrown in (it was $12.99 for over a year before promotion mounts were a thing, price didn’t go up when they started doing it), don’t deserve the toxicity they do get.


What kind of peasant says this as an insult?


What other people think is utterly irrelevant. Ignore, report if justified, move on. Personally, I have not bought it simply because I would never use either mount. I will be subbed for a year anyway, so the cost is irrelevant, I would spend that anyway.