Thanks For Not Caring About Holidays. Again

So, because of something from another thread, which I’m not going to bother reading right now, you’re excused to come into this thread and be immediately confrontational?

Guy is allowed to be as negative as he wants, doesn’t give anyone a carte blanche to go after them in a thread when they weren’t confrontational first.

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I logged in, got my feat of strength and logged right off

I’m more disappointed that it’s the same buggy stuff as last year.

No Korrak either lol

Korrak queues were taking people to solo shuffle. They disabled it, suppose to be back today. Fixed. But it was bugged all anniversary last year. So… kinda doubt anything was fixed.

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Still no option to queue for it.

That was the anniversary experience.

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Calm down my guy

At least we have Korrak’s Revenge!!……… oh wait.

lol I was thinking the same thing as I logged on and got yet the same boring annual gift.

Just shows how DF will end up imo. Glad I didn’t waste my money buying it. Sorry for those who did :*(


What do you want ? We got achive, classic world bosses with loot thats never gonna drop again… xp buff, its not a major anniversary

Weirdest thing is, I just went through all my +20 characters (time running out, sub 20s can be done anytime) and half of them ended up with the 17th anniversary bonus already. Could I not have logged in on them since last year? I’m pretty sure I did…