Thanks for forcing DPS content on tanks and healers

Doing Black Empire Campaign as disc priest. Damn. I’m ready to leave retail for another 6 month. Slow and boring. I bet dps of healing classes is nerfed again.

If you have the armor for it just run three Death Throes. The damage is solid. My priest as disc does 27k dps in sims. Be aware though, that disc priest does not have an interrupt. That is a problem. Also, as in my case at least–if you main as holy–which is great for heroic raiding and good for mythic keys–then you will have to use your lesser set of azerite armor unless you want to pay for reforging back and forth.

Never mind the hassles and reluctance from people who play dps specs to help you. You are just a healer, and you are in short supply relative to dps, so you want more hassles so that you quit healing altogether and add to the shortage of healers.

Oh, and never mind the criticism. You are a healer, right? So you are used to being dumped on. Just remember all the times you got dumped on when you were healing the people who were ignoring mechanics. These are the same ones who are telling you that you have the tools, and that you can play a dps spec you have never played. If anyone can play a character with a low skill level, so can you.

Good news for non-DPS classes if you haven’t seen this yet:

Further reduced the health of enemies in Horrific Visions for players who enter the instance as a solo healer or tank specialization; healers will face enemies with 42% less health and tanks will fight enemies with 25% reduced health.

Developers’ note: We’d like players to be able to upgrade their legendary cloak without feeling like they have to change specialization. The difficulty of Horrific Visions adjusts dynamically based on party composition, but they’re still a bit rough for solo healers and tanks, so we’re making some tweaks to help those players out.

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I’m glad they listen to our feedback lately. I do wish they’d be able to adjust these things appropriately before it hit the live game, but this is still decent.

At this point in the patch, I’m quite satisfied with how things flow.

Cries about a person being victimized as they’re being a victim. Got ya.


27 days later. It’s almost like it was a movie.

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Curious: why would you have to reforge your armor to do these?

You’ll be fine in visions without one or two dps procs you might otherwise have from min-maxed azerite gear. Really.

On my priest, holy traits while in disc spec for H Visions, doesnt seem like a sensible plan. The other option is to just wear armor that means 10% less stamina.


Or take 5 minutes to learn shadow priest and become a more well-rounded player? You of course can play how you like, but contrary to what you may hear nowadays, learning new stuff often is actually fun and not so painful as you might think. Broad horizons make for beautiful views. You’re smart, you’re brave, and I believe in you.

Yeah look on one had I see how that can be annoying and on the other hand you can swap specs in a second and continue on with life

You’re just limiting yourself at the end of the day

Is this comment directed at me?

Regardless, and not to speak for anyone but myself, I have played Shadow, but like healing, and to do well on Shadow I would have to play it more and more regularly.

I also don’t feel like I should need to have yet another set of gear for yet another spec. Two should be fine. In my case I do fine with two but respecing armor all the time is not only a hassle but starts to run up your reforging costs. The last time I did it I was flirting with 360 gold a pop, and while that may not seem so bad, it doubles every time you do it–which means you have to delay and delay and delay and play one spec mainly unless you want to do what have you with a lesser set of armor.

Frankly speaking, if you did need to have your best azerite armor for all three specs, vs two–i heal both holy and disc–then the costs would get a lot worse fast. Again, you can just not reforge, and back, but who wants to make everything you do harder?

Does OP say 34 edits? It looks kinda like it says 34 edits.

Yup, that’s me. I like to edit vs try to check for typos in this tiny little window you type in. Plus, I add things. Just my way of doing things. Lol.

Maybe it’s also the Hemingway in me. The guy rewrote things sometimes a hundred times.


Visions bad. Warfronts bad. Island expeditions bad. Azerite armor bad. Azerite traits bad. Necklace bad. Bfa mega bad. End of thread.


I tried grouping, but some people don’t know how to coordinate properly, or don’t have enough resistance or expect me to carry. My main is a BM, and I do better soloing, than with a group. So I empathize a bit with OP; visions were not tested properly for tanks or healers. We can solo and they can’t, seems unfair imo.

Homie, you’re off the mark. My BM has an easy time soloing visions, when I had no special damage corruptions. Seems unfair that dps can solo with the bare minimum, when a tank or healer specs have to hope for rng to give the corruptions the need to solo. Seems a bit unfair. Maybe you should try putting yourself in their position. Not everything is black or white.

My main here… I’ve been healing on for years. Shadow is this weird alien spec that I just dont care for. I thus dont really do visions other than a couple times. There is other stuff I can do… like pathfinder.

Wait what?
Since this thread was made Tank and especially Healer solo visions got MAJOR nerfs.
Like, its easier to do them as healers than DPS kinda nerfs.

Nothing left to discuss here.
Ironically, complaints like the one this OP made were enough to make Blizzard listen!

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If this is true, then the rest of you who just sit on your chair and complain ought to do the same. Let’s not get started on healer imbalance (hint, hint) but if more of us speak up… Then the sky is the limit.
