Thanks for forcing DPS content on tanks and healers

Horrific Visions, arguably of course, is content made mainly for dps specs. However, it is being forced on people who prefer to main on healers and tanks, and who also may not have ever played other specs on their characters and/or who have varying competancy on those other specs. And some say that that is just plain silly. But honestly, you can have levelled your toons by simply running dungeons almost the whole way along, never having had to play other specs. And albeit questing is sometimes rough, it is all doable on healer and tank specs.

Also, there are people who are not keen on reforging their armor to dps specs and back every time they want to do a Horrific Visions (frankly speaking, the lesser Visions as well). Some may not have gear for Horrific Visions. I am in this boat on three healers I main on.

All I can say is, I have wasted a bunch of vessels trying to do this content. I have asked for help from friends who say Horrific Visions for them are easy, and hence have no desire to group up with a healer.

As for tanks, they seem to be having the same problems.

What does this mean for everyone? Well, healers and tanks are being turned off. Some are probably just gonna opt out of healing and tanking, and maybe the game, and maybe for good. That is just going to mean fewer are going to be available when others want to do dungeons and raids, and wait times are going to get even longer.

Thanks Blizzard. Thank you kindly, and see you next expansion, assuming any desire to come back.

Edit: A funny thing in pug raids yesterday… Everyone was wondering why almost all of the healers in the queue were priests! It’s seemingly like some people have put to pasture all of their healers except for their priests–who can do Visions solo as discipline because of their damage output. The question now is: Can priests do harder content in Visions that require big pulls and interrupts?! Will time see people with priests then switching out to their warlocks and mages or even unsubbing altogether?!

Edit: If anyone is curious, I was playing five toons on a daily basis before 8.3–four of them healers. I am now down to one toon–and you guessed it, a healer. The daily visions, plus daily quests, plus assaults, you name it… Man. I have chosen my priest because Disc can do pretty good damage, most pertinently, doing Horrific Visions. This game has become so grind heavy and alt unfriendly, it is maddening–hence, this solution. As for healers and tanks doing Horrific Visions, Blizzard has made some positive changes since 8.3 kicked off, easing up the trouble a lot healers and tanks were having, and even making the content more enjoyable.


but it is designed for dps.


Grouping would solve this issue.

If it didn’t cost to run the instance


Ha ha ha. I won’t be victimized. I will just wait for Shadowlands and watch some flicks on Netflix instead. Maybe I’ll just spend my dollars that would have gone to my wow subscription on a few Steam games and play them instead. And your queue times will get longer.


why not just group for it?


And what exactly are my que times getting longer for?


If you queue up for raid or dungeon content, your queue times are going to be longer because people like me are not going to heal or tank for you because we cant do the content to get the gear we need. I hate Horrific Visions with a passion, and am just going to do something else versus heal people until Shadowlands–like let my subscription expire and watch flicks on Netflix instead–or play Steam games. This content is a HUGE turnoff for healer and tank only mains.


I find it hard to believe they designed it specifically for DPS. I feel like they just didn’t take some things into account when designing it… Lol just my opinion


As I mention above: “I have asked for help from friends who say Horrific Visions for them are easy, and hence have no desire to group up with a healer.”


it is designed for dps because there is a timer and only thing you need is high damage. Damage reduction and healing will not make you do it faster


Dps are also the most populous class category. Blizzard is already out of budget. Designing tank and healer specific content wasn’t doable with the piddling money they had after trying to fix the launch.


I agree with you I just think it makes no sense that blizz would specifically design a huge peice of content only for one spec…perhaps it will even out once people learn more of the knowleage tree thing? Hmm



I can heal any group content i would want to play anyways on other toons.

I can tank on this toon (although i don’t like tanking), if i wanted to.

Ok, nothing wrong with this and Blizzard still hasn’t made you a victim. Enjoy

Let us know when you get to the end of Netflix and what you are doing after that. Keep us up to date.

It’s a HUGE turnoff to you, but there are many healers and tank mains that are enjoying it. It’s fine for you to provide your opinion, but you don’t speak for everyone.


timer gives it away, without it tanks could do that in their own way


Sure, agreed. But does that mean dps content has to be forced on tank and healer only mains?

People get tired of long queues that require tanks and healers–and they are in short supply, and are, in effect, where the bottlenecks are. If you queue up as a dps spec you often have to wait half an hour or more to find a group because of the lack of healers and tanks. Well, this is going to get worse with Blizzard forcing healer and tank mains to do dps content that does not require either of them.


Because requires every person in the group to pay for the run … so if everyone screw up… you know what I mean … and yes … it should be viable for every class and spec as solo . Just like mage tower and this is not the case .


Is there any class that doesn’t have a dps spec. that could do it?

Not sure how realistic this is or if the time and resources couldn’t be used for other things when every spec has a dps spec. they could do them on.


The problem with having tanks and heals dps, is that there are some tanks and healers who do no damage. Call it balance, call it negligence but it is what it is.


Are you serious? This is absolutely hilarious I’m literally dying.

1st) You are on a mage. Why are you complaining it’s for dps specs. I had 0 problems soloing a corrupted zone and the main segment for my rank 7 on my mage.

2nd) Can people please just quit complaining and crying. If you’re to mediocre to do it then don’t. I can’t believe how many people are having this many issues with visions when they are this easy. If you are struggling then find others to group with. Why would you go into it knowing you just failed a couple and the same scenario is gonna play out.


Sounds like you have some horrible “friends”.

You could always learn a dps spec. That is what healers/tanks have been yelling at DPS specs to do since the game began for 5 man content.

There is no way that single person content can be designed for dps, healers, and tanks to solo.

The mage tower had a ton of variations.