Thanks for forcing DPS content on tanks and healers

Yeah it’s a rough system for friends, guilds and general grouping. I solo mine and yep, went dps spec even though I main heals/tank. (Luckily I also dps, so at least there’s that).

But honestly, the worst thing is that it is WAY easier to solo these and not waste vessels. Grouping is ripe with all sorts of surprise issues. I now only use alts to help people as I don’t want to -ever- waste a vessel as I am constantly behind (after failing 4 as a tank pre-nerfs).

This is not social content, imo, it’s solo content.

Blockquote Maybe it’s also the Hemingway in me. The guy rewrote things sometimes a hundred times.

Ha! I do this too, that’s a good way of putting it.

Although, when considering the full course of Hemingway’s life, we might want to take it as a caution more than anything.

This is where they get on stage and say, “don’t you all have dps specs?”

Horrific visions are just dangly keys you entertain dps with.

Our horrific visions are leveling a tank/heal in pug dungeons

If you still need help in there, OP, I’ll group up with you. I know the mechanics decently well, so far.

Can’t necro threads, bud. 30 days locks them.

This has nothing to do with nothing, but I just wanted to note that your toon has 6,544 posts. lol

That is something brag worthy.

I failed my first two Horrific Visions and ended up going 1/3 finally killing Thrall. Every other vision since then - all the way to 13 today - I’ve made a custom group and 5 man pugd them

It’s hit or miss for sure but at least I feel like I have a better chance at a clear.

My feedback to Blizzard would be to add Horrific Visions to the group finder under their own banner somehow. Custom takes forever to fill and these should be 5 man content so why not add the tools to help people - mainly tanks and heals - easily group up to run the content?

Naw, there are some around that make me look like a new person. Rhielle for example, has 16.5k posts.

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Maybe not intentionally but mechanically, DPS is heavily favored.

Being a tank does little since the mechanics are not damage heavy, and easily avoided. But the main advantage of tanking: making large pulls, is discouraged by the CC abilities the trash has. I would definitely not pull more than one group of K’thir at a time.

Being a healer does little since there is again, not a lot of damage to worry about.

But being a DPS counters the main mechanic, which is time spent fighting while your sanity drains. Visions cannot be survived, they need to be beaten efficiently and DPS definitely has the biggest advantage when it comes to beating the sanity drain. Especially in lost sectors.

Of course it was designed for DPS. Do you not realize that a healer’s priority is keeping everyone alive? Since when does timed, and mainly solo content, where it is a dps race–somehow qualify as healing or tank content? Arguably you can group up, but there are reasons that that is not ideal in most cases. Hence, most healers and tanks are being forced to do this timed content that is essentially a dps race.

If this is any proof, know that most of my healers dont do the damage needed, and it is a real letdown. I have hence benched all of my healers except for my priest–which as disc can do reasonably well. But, honestly, if my healers could magically be demon hunters, and somehow I could instantly be good at playing one, then I would have my solution and I would not have quit playing my other healers.

I will say I regret it, and that maybe my resto druid is fine for this content because of stealth and not bad AOE damage in cat form, but that it is by no means easy, and that all of the assaults, essence and AP grinding means that having to do this dps content on healers was the tipping point for me.

Naughty, no.

I am really interested in what this pictures was. lol

Visions are easy in tanks. Just take TD, EV, or OS items with you. Or just spec yourself to do more damage. Healers on the other hand struggle unless they are with a group.

It is a real you problem. Because druids, mw, and priests have all easily cleared these solo, including masks.

I managed to do a full mask run as a healer pretty easily, Id even say its easier as resto than balance

To give you a more through explanation.

Grouping scales the instance to the number of players, not roles. So now the DPS friend is basically carrying the healer (who can’t heal insanity) on more difficult content that they can easily solo. It also costs a vial to enter… Combining those two things makes it hard to find a good enough friend to help.

It happens, but very rarely. Even in my guild, which is mainly long time friends (10+ years together) only 1 or two are in a place that they are able to comfortably help others without nerfing their own advancement.

Except visions do scare on role, healers face enemies with 42% less health and tanks with 25% so tanks and healers can go solo with no issue.