Healers, Tanks, & Visions: Good News

Good news for non-DPS classes if you haven’t seen this yet:

Further reduced the health of enemies in Horrific Visions for players who enter the instance as a solo healer or tank specialization; healers will face enemies with 42% less health and tanks will fight enemies with 25% reduced health.

Developers’ note: We’d like players to be able to upgrade their legendary cloak without feeling like they have to change specialization. The difficulty of Horrific Visions adjusts dynamically based on party composition, but they’re still a bit rough for solo healers and tanks, so we’re making some tweaks to help those players out.


Woah. What just happened?

Seems like they listened to the player base, thought about it, and made changes. :wink:


Good news everyone!

The slime is flowing again!


So now the plan is to enter as a healer for the reduced mob health and switch to dps spec before you start.



aww this is good news ty bilzz :wink:


So, hopefully they’ve coded a way to block that.


Find it funny that they’re making these easier for tanks, since I’ve had 0 issues as a bear so far (+4 masks done mostly bear/sometimes balance atm)

Good change for healers at least. Better for them to solo and less of a hindrance to their groups since they’re adding less health to the mobs.

They update when you switch specs already. Not impossible that that updating gets borked by this, but it should be fine.

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If they block switching specs than tank will be probably be the best with 25% less mob health and huge pulls.

I certainly hope they do block it, even though it would obviously be a benefit for me when I start running this guy through them.

Good news for Healers, lol.

Tanks, for the most part have not had it THAT rough but if Devs are noticing issues and are reacting to the waves of complaints then fine with me.

It’ll bring in more players to try these out with their favorite role/spec/whatever, hopefully…

Don’t think I want to gear and put in the time for any tanks or healers but hopefully the change is a welcomed one for some.


golf clap

Yeah and as a mostly dps spec ever since VDH had sucked all of 8.2, i’m excited to not see tanks and healers reroll to 20:1:1 dps to healer and tank ratios in lfg lol. Lets be honest this long we shouldn’t be forcing tanks and healers to respec their main azerite roles to upgrade their capes lol.


I strictly heal in dungeons and raids. I felt forced to give all the best and highest Azerite gear to my dps specs to make sure I could push the visions. My healer specs were lower item level than my dps specs for the past two weeks, but now they are about even.

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What this means is subs are tanking because one size doesn’t fix all, so adjustments were made that should have been there in the first place! lol

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Or what it means is that in (an admittedly uncommon ) moment where player feedback and common sense prevailed, they made changes to make Visions more accessible.

Are you just looking for things to bash them about instead of recognizing that in this instance they actual took something to heart and made changes accordingly?


It’s crazy how people can take a genuinely widely accepted positive change and find still complain about it.

Well done!!


I wasn’t complaining at all, I was just explaining

Well done!!!

BTW: I only play dps and have zero issues with visions!

pats self on back

I’m glad they made this change, and hope it means they will think more about healers in solo content in the future especially for the Tower of the Damned in Shadowlands.

I’m still not sure I will do this as a healer though. Some of the areas might be painful without an interrupt. I wish there was some kind of practice mode so I didn’t have to waste a key just to figure stuff out.