Thanks for forcing DPS content on tanks and healers

That’s nice, but I still want to know how I shamed anyone. That’s a crappy accusation to make, I would never do anything like that.

I completely agree. Let’s make all dps do difficult content with a healing spec/class they have never played and then let’s see how they feel about it. While we’re at it, let’s get a linebacker to play quarterback for a game or two in the division finals. And let’s get a rock band drummer to play the trombone at a classical concert and hope he can learn to do that by next week–sure. Right.


I criticize Blizzard all the time, I was probably a little too blunt about it a few times. I try to be fair, just because I point out something that is true or something that I like it doesn’t mean I’m a Blizzard shill. Some people here on the other hand only complain, they’re negative all the time and I just don’t have the time or patience for that crap.

At this rate it’ll just be healers and tanks carrying people who set them on follow. As per usual

There you go.

Anyway, I hope they consider other roles when making the tower for Shadowlands. If it’s designed to be both group and solo content, and it’s required by all roles for end-game progression, it should be inclusive to all roles. That’s my two copper on the subject.

They’ve made solo progression systems for healers and tanks before. They could easily use those models to improve upon visions. Mage tower, the Shang Xi Training Grounds, etc… I don’t see why it’s so much to ask to be able to solo this system as a healer, or comfortably heal a friend without being a burden on their own progression.

Also, Vorec, you might not realize how different gear is between roles. There’s no way a shadow priest is DPSing properly in holy priest gear. It’s not as simple as swapping to another spec, which shouldn’t even be mandatory in the first place, even if it was.

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I don’t see the shaming part. I posted my opinion, you are free to disagree with it.

It looks like the game is probably going in a direction that is focused more on class than spec. I expect to see more healers DPSing, tanks being more than just damage sponges, and DPS providing off-healing and utility.

Seems very true. I’m not sure why tanks are having a problem as they dps as well as pure dps specs.

The real problem is specs without a self healing component.

That is the brutal part of this.

The other problem is that unlike a typical dungeon run, a five person group that uses a healer still needs to dps for five. The content scaling is wonky as a result.

Kind of strange all the way around.

Just get echoing void and you can solo as a healer no problem.

If you are actually complaining that they have designed more challenging group based content then this game is really not for you.

Blizzard just dosent know how to make content for tanks and healers. Because the devs dont play the game or the devs only play DPS specs. Legion was the last time Tank content felt good. Its like they just threw their hands in the air in BFA and gave up.

True. They absolutely don’t. They are also clueless when it comes to a quick remedy. One is to just make a high dps follower available. They have done that before. Another option is to just make the content easier to tackle by scaling it down.

My healers now have max vessels banked up as I race to gear up, etc. And I have already benched one of my main healers because he has limited armor and I am not reforging his armor twice a day. I am probably going to bench both my resto druid and my mistweaver monk as well – because they simply do not have the dps for Visions.

My main one healer now, a priest, too, has one good set of armor. And I go back and forth between disc and holy but am not forking out in the thousands of gold on a daily basis to reforge my best armor. This is a real problem for me.

Thanks again Blizzard.

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You realize you can do these as a group right?

There are even perks you can unlock which improves your group performance.

So no, you are not ‘forced’ to do DPS content at all.

I probably don’t speak for the majority of people here, but in my case I have most of my toons, and with their profession synergies, on one connected server pair. That’s 28 characters. It just so happens the server has extremely limited options for guilds and raiding–my main is the highest geared on the server, currently–mainly because I pug everything. Well, I need to server transfer so I can find a suitable guild. But do you know how much it costs to server transfer pretty much your whole account of characters?? My toons also are guild leaders and hence would need to transfer the guilds. The cost to transfer everything would be in the $1000 range or higher.

As for the majority of healers – as outlined early on, people don’t want to group with healers because they don’t need to, and hence, healers have to be carried. I, for one, don’t want to ask to be carried. I have already done so and gotten politely worded refusals.

Thanks again Blizzard.

Dude… just… create a custom group in the group finder for Horrific Visions.

You don’t need a fancy guild. You don’t need to ‘transfer off your server’ it’s just like a mythic+ group, only everyone in the group must have a vial.

Easier said than done. Nobody with any skill wants to group with a healer because they don’t need one. The people who do want to group lack skill, and as others have warned, don’t do that. Grouping with low skilled groups means a wasted vessel.

It looks like I am benching all of my healers but my priest cuz I can do a fair bit of dps on him as a discipline priest. However, if I do this content, and the lack of an interrupt as disc priest is a problem, I will also be benching him, and as mentioned in the original post, this is going to mean five less healers in the game. If other healers are feeling the same way, the community as a whole is going to have less healers. Some may just play dps spec/toons. That is just not going to add up to more healers for people who pug. On the contrary, it is going to make the bottleneck and wait times even worse for dps.

And maybe it’s not a big deal, but if I were management at Blizzard, and I had any insight, I would realize that this is not going to be good for the gamers who play Wow. They are just going to play something else. What that is going to mean for the company’s bottom line, who knows?! Lol, but it can’t be good. In turn, I’d suspect, it will mean less dollars in, and hence, in turn a lower budget down the road for future content development. It’s only until Shadowlands is out, so no big deal, but that assumes the people who play the game don’t quit as a result for any length of time.

Maybe this is Blizzard’s way of weaning people off tanking and healing so that in future they can design the game content done away with tanks and healers altogether. If I was in charge though, I’d be doing the opposite and making tanking and healing more attractive versus less. A game like Wow with only dps would attract less personality types. Some of us, like me, who play healers, are the type who like helping others, and hence we play healers.

Anyhow, the bottlenecks in game are due to lack of both healers and tanks, albeit more so tanks. Hence, by making tanking and healing more attractive versus less, the game design would help to deal with the obvious bottleneck problem–which, quite frankly, this content is only making worse.

As main spec tank, i would not really care as much, if i could change my az traits with my spec, vs spending thousands of gold to change them any time i want to do a vision.


You realize you are gimping the group by brining a healer, right? If you bring 5 people the mobs are scaled for 5 DPS. Now obviously if you and your friends outgear the content that’s not an issue, if you don’t . . . Then that’s a problem. So no grouping doesn’t fix the issue it just masks it.

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I have one set of nice azerite armor on the one of five healers I have not benched because of this content and one set only. Now every time I want to do Visions, yeah, I have the tools, but if I reforge my armor every time I want to do Visions, I will soon be paying in the thousands of gold to do so. How about you give me a gold contribution so that I can heal?! Maybe ten thousand now, and more as needed. Furthermore, this does not address the problem of my never having played other specs on my healers, and hence my cluelessness about how to play those specs. It’s not like I don’t play dps ever–I am just not interested in priest, druid, monk, shammy or pally dps specs. I prefer warlock, warrior, rogue, hunter and mage as dps.

Anyhow, if you are not prepared to give me a gold contribution, I may not be healing at all–and I have already benched four of five of my healers. Timed dps content for healers and the expectations of having to do it? Ha ha ha. The solution is I’ll simply do away with the endless hassle and play my lock. That or I will just unsub or level a mechagnome.

I just wish Blizzard made content that required dps to respec into healers and tanks to get the gear they needed on their toons so they had some insight into the extremely obvious issues. I imagine though, that as the shortage of healers and tanks gets worse, the outrage due to the even longer wait times for keys and raids will cause even more to unsub, and then even the people who lack empathy will join in the outrage.

Oh,nice,you expect that Prot Pallies will get our awesome ability to heal our group while tanking back!!! We won’t even need a healer again!