Thank you Blizzard for the conduit change

Blizzard doesnt agree that your way of playing should exist, sounds like you are the problem blizzard is trying to fix

The whole point of locked covenants and week long conduits is to stop your way of playing from existing.

You are targeted for eradication by blizzard, their goal is to remove your way of playing unless you are ultra tryhard and level 4 of each

What’s wrong with changing them one time per day? Like, why can’t I just say today I’ll do Mythic+ or raiding? Why put a blocker on it at all? What’s Blizzard’s problem with being the most optimal you can be at any time?

Why does the decision have to be made on Tuesday when raid night can get cancelled the day before?

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Wow man you got alot of trends going!


Good for you, then why limit the people that do want to push higher content? If you don’t have to worry about it then it shouldn’t matter.


I agree. I think once a day would be okay. If I have raid night on Tuesday and then Im queuing 3s with the boys on Wednesday and they require different Conduit builds then I’m SoL.

I think once a week is too harsh as well, and once a day makes more sense, especially since the people who really care about this change do WoW activities on a night to night basis most times.

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Because many other people including friends will have to worry about it if there is not limit because of the same old tired “meta” complaint. It’s entirely a player problem because a few people like to speedrun everything and that becomes the standard so as a developer you have to give your players what they need not what they want and blizzard has done just that with this great change.


So it does matter and you just want to limit others because you don’t want to compete at a higher level.

Guess people will have to decide whether they want to do some dungeons one week or raids. Want to PvP? Guess you won’t be raiding either, or at least not be doing optimal damage and holding everyone else back.

Play the game how you want, just don’t try to dictate how everyone else plays by limiting them.


If people cant raid because they arent optimal for the raid, sounds like they arent very capable or skilled player.

Thank you blizzard for exposing such people.

Blizzard makes the game, their game, their rules, dont like it? dont play the game

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I’m not limiting you on anything, the game developer has designed their game a specific way and you guys are the ones trying to force them to change it to something else. Lucky for us they are ignoring that group as it would do more harm than good. You want to do all those different things you still can you don’t need to be the bestest best top person in every single thing, if you do want that blizzard has given you the option to level alts :slight_smile:


Yeah I don’t get that. I had a pretty consistent schedule back in Legion when I played both PvP and PvE. Tuesday was Nighthold with my guild, Wedensday was arena queue sesh with IRL friends, Thursday was Nighthold again, and Friday was another arena session.

I honestly don’t mind picking what I’m doing that day, as that somewhat makes sense, and most players can live with that. But once a week, I don’t know about that one.

This is bad then? I guess I don’t understand why this is bad.

So with this system you can pick whether you will be doing PVP, Raids, or M+ this week? This seems counter-intuitive since they like to force people into content they don’t like.

If people can’t raid because they don’t have corruptions, sounds like they aren’t very capable or skilled player. Trying saying that in the current state of borrowed power.

I’ll play what I like, thanks :slight_smile:

your thread is incomplete without name calling



you are as toxic as the people you complain about.

thats where most of us are at. but hey, to trolls like ralph, it’s only something that matters to the tryhards.




he just doesnt want to have to think … or try. he wants to log in, roll his face across the keyboard and get carried … he wants heroic/mythic to be lfr …

You have the option to just not change for every boss too :slight_smile: Not that I expect anything more from a participation trophy Andy

Difference is, corruption is or was RNG drops, covenants and conduits are a choice

Hope you enjoy the 1 week lockout then : )
Cuz that’s the rules now

Thankfully no matter how much you rage, Ion and the team has realized people like that are a problem that needs to be fixed by removing such people from wow or forcing them to adapt

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And you don’t have that option to change either because blizzard isn’t implementing it :slight_smile:

There’s a vendor for corruptions

Good thing it’s still in alpha, we can still get it changed


You need to stop attacking other players just because they don’t play the game the same way you do.