Thank you Blizzard for the conduit change

The problem with that is simple.

Tabletop … you can have a non-optimal build, but because you can be CREATIVE, you can still excel.

Online, you are limited to the raw numbers. You can only be as creative as the system will let you. And the system doesn’t ENCOURAGE creativity. Because there are empirical hard numbers that you cannot overcome.

Does it mean I think the meta is a good thing? No. It discourages creativity. However, at the same time, there’s NOTHING we can do about it. Because we are using a system with restrictions that we cannot overcome.

We cannot overcome the fact that an item level 430 two handed sword has +500 Strength. NOTHING, save an RNG socket, can change that sword to have more than +500 Strength.

We are limited, and so the meta is how we get the most out of a restrictive system.

People are still going to try and be better than you no matter what they put in the game. There is always going to be something differentiating them from you that will prevent you from doing the content they do. Small changes the devs make aren’t changing the overall nature of group content. You’re looking too far into them and pretending the impact is going to be greater than it is for the result you want to see.

You need to stop pointing fingers and start acting. Put up a group in LFG and drag some non-meta, low IO, poorly geared players through some 15s.

Or are you all talk?

Thanks for the gold.

False, Ion and the team balanced the raids and m+ to be completed by non optimal comps and players, therefore not only is stacking broken meta optimal classes and comps in raids and m+ remove a big part of the challenge, it is also easymode.

Game aint balanced around tryharding, try again.

The impact will be that people wont ever be able to be fully optimal for everything, they can choose the covenant that does well in ST but that is just optimal for a few bosses, other ones will be optimal for other bosses, others for m+

Aka nobody can have the most optimal build at all times by changing things back and forth

Who is changing stuff for every single boss and, more importantly, who cares? Instead of trying to rationalize these convoluted limitations, more people should be asking ‘is this really necessary?’

Uh, dummy, optimization is relative to the game. There will always be a most optimal build.

And why are you ignoring my call to action? Go do something about the toxicity you keep spamming about. Go host learning groups, teach people how to play non meta in keys, go drag a bunch of poorly geared, poorly spec’d players through some content.

Stop pointing fingers and go be useful. Right now, all you are is a fly buzzing around

Ah yes, dem serious arguments again, sorry cant rly bother with people who think “nobody cares” is a serious answer xD

I know, the thing is the optimal one will be different covenant for each boss or dungeon so tryhards dont get to change between bosses : )

I am supporting the devs in their quest to make tryhards learn to play RPGs instead of stacking meta and playing fotm : )

not really, cause they all have 3 potency conduits now, and the intrinsic passives aren’t enough to stop you from having content specific builds

3 potency conduits doesnt mean you get to choose the DPS soulbind passive, utility and defense conduits will still be behind DPS soulbind passives. In addition many conduits arent that interesting and can be overshadowed by some soulbind passives, the 3dps conduits isnt a must for many specs

And my point is that yeah, soulbinds like talents can be a form of mini optimization, but they never again will be able to fully optimize by changing to most optimal covenant/soulbind/conduit combo because of the restrictions.

Really? Cause at the height of it success, you know back in WotLK this is exactly how the game played, PERIOD.

Lmao you just implied something being popular means it is right or good xD

you can get at least 2, which is about how many are influential to your character’s build (at least for arms)

I could do raid pvp and dungeons with that perfectly well

Yeah I did cause WoW became the best MMORPG ever released by being played the way you said an RPG shouldn’t be played.

How many active subs in Wrath? And how many Active subs at BFA launch?

And you’re trying to tell everyone that your opinion on an RPG is the way it’s suppose to be.

I am not sure what is your point, I agree, you dont need to be ultra optimal to do anything in wow, only tryhards act like as if they need to be ultra optimal to do content.

Ok, allow me to rephrase the question then: why should anyone care?

I and the devs seem to care a lot, which is why they are actually doing something to fix problems in wow.

You might not care, but I and the devs seem to care a lot :3

I mean, there’s only like 2 or 3 viable builds for most specs as is. Fire Mage does the exact same thing on every fight except for one talent which they will still be able to swap, for instance. This isn’t going to change much.

Those are just words. You do no action at all. You aren’t helping anybody, you aren’t inviting undergeared, non-meta, low throughput players to groups. You’re just blaming everyone else for not doing what you also aren’t doing.

Have some accountability. Go help people. Stop pointing fingers.

I’m actually ok with this one.

Yes sure need to wait 1 week to fully re-spec but I don’t think it’s too big of an issue because most of the real “power” comes from the conduits and they also made a very nice change that makes it so every souldbind has a path that allows us to put 3 potency conduits (originally only one of the soulbinds had this option).

And there are also some of the “neutral” ones that are pretty good and can probably make up for one potency conduit missing on some specs. So honestly it looks like there can be a good 3-5 paths that are almost at the same power level with each other.

I’ve been playing with the soulbind calculator for a little bit and it looks like I can easily have at least 2 of the specs with pretty much optimized soulbinds, I might have to make some compromises if I want to have a good path for my 3rd spec but this is also with only 3 soulbind options per covenant, it will get even easier as they are more soulbinds.

But what is the ‘problem’ specifically, and how does what a min/maxer does in their own group affect my game enough to warrant limiting my Conduit usage?

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my point is that the passives for nadjia are so solid and spread out that there’s a clear path to optimize for different content, if you even do all three

weekly lockdown probably won’t inhibit people from optimizing for specific content

if you look at the traits selected, assuming the link works and shows you what I placed, I got everything that I need for the build I like, and the passives aren’t really prohibiting me from going for specific kinds of content

I wouldn’t want the 4% extra damage in an arena, say, because the 25% cc reduction is better for survivability, and gives me another potency conduit on top of that

I think more than anything this highlights how good mistblade just is overall

Anyone getting the feeling that Ralph is Ion’s forum alt?