Thank God Blizzard doesn't listen to this Community

Your post is riddled with cognitive biases and logical fallacies.

I’m not sure you even have a topic here at all. It’s just you spouting your preferences and insisting your right.

Amazing that you claim due to your age and experience that you know better. Clearly, that’s not the case.

NO. You are wrong. I was playing wow when you were likely in diapers. I have been here since the very beginning.

LFD in Wrath is a MUST. It does NOT kill communities at all. It enhances them. It allows us to meet and play with a lot more people than we otherwise would be able to and allows us to actually play the game instead of sitting around waiting for a group for hours. Without LFD I would be lucky to get one dungeon a day, very lucky. With LFD I could do a lot more and experience that much more content.

Dual spec is amazing! I loved it. It helps alleviate the shortage of tanks and healers and stops you from being forced to level in tank or healing spec, which is terrible!

Just stop complaining man. You are very obvious. Stop trolling please.


Just because you’re older than Dinosaurs doesn’t make you right, just saying.

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They didn’t release their “evidence” because none exists. Blizz is simply lying because they don’t have the stones to say “we’re doing this to make more money”.


This is not inherently why RDF is bad for server communities, in fact, it’s dodging the actual issue completely.

The problem is the methodology in how it allows you to group with “a lot more people”, not the fact of whether it does literally do that or not.

Grow up. If you were there since the beginning you would recognize that all of those changes made the game better.

Just one of your false statements, lfd caused the players to set in dalaran and spam a button. You are so full of it. It did just the opposite. It got more people playing the game. They hit the join button amd then took off out of the city and did stuff. Farming, questing, pvp. Without it people just sat in dalarann and stared at trade chat. Quit making stuff up.

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Yeah. Big deal. As soon as you all enter the instance, who cares how each person got there. The purpose of running a dungeon is runming the dungeon, not how you got there.

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Cant do that. We also are not asking for that.

Retail chamges the talents and abilities and level. Its not the same. Stupid suggestion.

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That’s one purpose.

However, it is not 100% of the purpose, within the framework of Classic-style WoW.

You’ve had and will continue to have plenty of time to discover what the other purposes are.

Am i wrong though? No. Im not. The guy claims he has been playing the game forever, and then gives opinions that are 20 years old… Maybe i was just … correct?

Or are you just offended at everything these days. Keep flagging my posts LOL

Nobody ever said the word “dumb”… at all.

We said their opinions are incredibly dated. Which is true. The OP is living in a fantasy land as if 2004 is still ongoing, RMT never existed, and we are all in magical new world of warcraft. We are all exploring Stormwind for the first time and its magical on our CRT monitors reading Wow tavern wondering if we need 10 or 11 healers for BT.

Its 2022, times have changed… A lot.

OP reminds me of Brooks from Shawshank redemption… there are cars on the road now and people drive fast. Couldn’t keep up with it anymore. Kinda sad tbh.

This you?


Yes you are wrong and bordering on age biased hate speech. Whole thread is

You keep citing this post.

What exactly is wrong with it?

Its the only purpose. Ive had plenty of time to learn that, but unlike some, i knew it from the first time i signed up to “run a dungeon” there was no need to figure it out over time.

Gets a like



Great post man.

Read the comments :slight_smile:

Bloomsday has a very storied history of trolling the arena forums on the retail threads. So much so that he is mostly blocked by a large portion of the community.

Its not hate speech to say the fax machine is no longer relevant in the era of the computer.

Which is exactly whats going on.


In other words, wouldnt white knight for him as he will run himself out of these forums just like he got run out of those ones.