Thank God Blizzard doesn't listen to this Community

That would be correct sir.

I did read it most of the first “pages” of comments.

I’m still not seeing the problem.

Seems like you just don’t like what he has to say, despite telling the truth.

LOL sure bud. Whatever you say

Unsure why you decided to swap off your druid to post… Weird

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figures of speech and you, more news at 11.

Nothing, some people just live rent free in the heads of others.

Tell me youre a bloomdsay alt without telling me youre a bloomsday alt

“Just remember that no matter how bad your life could possibly get, at least you aren’t Bloomsday”

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I’ve been trying out retail a little bit the last two weeks (leveled to 60 and started running some stuff) to see “both sides” of the argument for certain features that I’ve historically been very opposed to.

Just to let you know how it’s going: all of my random dungeon finder experiences have been notably very poor in terms of providing an immersive dungeon or grouping experience.

I have so far not been very swayed that RDF is “great for the game”.

Funny enough, ive been doing the same…

I have about the same level of comms… just im not longer auto denied due to which class i play :slight_smile:
So i actually get to play the game even though im not a meta spec / class.

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Being denied is something you must deal with using the LFG pane, it has nothing to do with RDF.

Nope, im 3150 in m+… unless im pushing 22/23s i get auto invite :slight_smile:

which i wouldnt use lfg for those since i run with a push group

This is completely irrelevant to RDF…what is your point…

What is yours lol… You told me id only get denied in LFG… which is what you are begging for in WOTLK…

no RDF limits players to specific specs and classes… great way to open up the game to others!


Well so far today Ive done 5 dungeons on tbc classic andd nobody talked during the dungeon at all. It was very immersive

No, it puts your logistical and communication skills to work in forming a group.

RDF removes that inhibitor entirely.

It should remain.

Literally every dungeon ive done today was advertised im lfg, i whispered ill go, and that was the extent of conversation the duration of the dungeon.

Such communication skills

RDF basically achieves the samething.

The queue popping is the advertisement. Me clicking accept is the “ill go”

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LOL oh okay… so lets live in reality here… Let me share my first 3 months of TBC classic with you.

“rogue lfg, know the fights, have good gear and comms”

Never hear back.
Occasionally you would hear… “LOL ROGUE? Yeah no thanks”

Over. and over. and over. and over. and over. and over. and over. again.

Then i made the swap to enh shaman, where you get auto invited… even though i had quest greens and no logs / gear / anything.

and woah my logistical skills? Okay so on Benediction 100% alliance. I have to fly, mount, click a stone… OMG THE LOGISTICS!!!

How can you possibly say “getting denied has nothing to do with RDF”… IT HAS EVERYTHING TO DO WITH IT!!! Wtf lol. RDF was IN THE GAME, it should be in WOTLK again 100%


Why not move to a less populated server then?

I signed up and played the 2 week open beta prior to release in 2004, solidly until WoD.

This was because RFD was added at the start of a year-long content drought, so random dungeons were the only thing to do in that period after you’d done your raids. People had already gotten most of their achieves etc. And those dungeons weren’t particularly toxic, in my experience.

It doesn’t, because the mindset was already brought in from outside at the start of Classic and reinforced in TBC. We already have the toxicity and “lobby queue arcade game” situation in TBC where people just wait in Shatt until they find a group. The flight to the dungeon for 2 people who then summon everyone else is not “riveting gameplay”.

The whole point of Classic was to repeat things exactly the way they went before.


That was the point.

It no longer is now, though.

That’s the point of #somechanges.

I mean, you tell me the options then lol… Faerlina with 25k people for sulfuras with 3k people. Thats it.

Id love a good 6-7k server, but sadly they are all gone.