TBC Leveling

It is a possible response. I did answer answer the question. I’m not mad about anything. You’re trying to push faulty information.

The answer to your question is that it’s not what I’m saying. It’s very simple. You phrased it in a way that that’s somehow what I’m saying. Hint: it’s not.

Most ppl want fresh, no1 cares about that ‘‘Muh character attachment tho’’. Thankfully blizzard will not listen to you

I don’t know about that.


I think you’re projecting.


They would have to not copy gold so the economy wouldnt be fractured, and only one free copy. I mean there was an option for a free 58 to start in hellfire. Atleast this way your toon got to progress over.

I could see them doing a copy but limiting the amount of gold and items that could be transferred over. They have generally had that in transfer situations in the past so I could see them doing it for the copy.

I would prefer to progress to BC with my classic toons but if I have to start fresh so be it. I am so playing The Burning Crusade.

Fresh will have a huge front end loaded list of complaints that will eventually taper off and no longer exist.

Cloning or continuing Classic servers will have the smallest amount of front end complaints until bugs and gamebreaking exploits begin to run rampant through every server which is also now controlled by the Classic wealthy elite and shadowlands belongs to the netherwing mafia as primals are 100x more valuable than devilsaur leather ever could be.

Bro you straight up don’t know what you’re talking about. You’re just being an alarmist and trying to scare people from wanting to continue their characters onward. Sounds like you never played in tbc and don’t know how transitions work. Feel free to play on the fresh tbc servers blizzard will inevitably open for people like you while the rest of us enjoy playing tbc content on day one. With your “too many bugs” mentality blizzard would’ve never made classic servers.

This might have already been said but I and a fair amount of people I know will be stockpiling gold for TBC. Now we are not hardcore about it but we can easily get 10K per character together. Now think about the players who have twice or 4 times that much gold in Classic already.
Option 5 would be ok if players played classic like they did in vanilla. But because we are way more optimised nowadays we will have way more gold to bring into TBC meaning we will have epic flying from day one which makes farming much easier etc etc

I didn’t say you said anything.
Ive no idea how or why you are reading things into it.

Never mind, not worth the trouble

i guess i would kind of hope so?
Only because devilsaur leather is not worth very much, too easy to get.

Lets be real here, option 5 sounds the best so people can play both, but is probably least likely as that costs money and we’re all getting this game for free as it is. Remember this is a free game, your sub does not count in anyway to this. I would imagine a cost added to TBC if they were going to clone whole servers.

With that transferring is clearly the route to go. It will suck for people who want to stay behind in classic as its going to most defiantly to break guilds, but hey you can always merge guilds at that point.

I would suggest not betting any kind of real money on that.

I have a strong feeling that you are going to be sorely disappointed

Classic isn’t free. To play you have to pay $15 monthly. Blizzard is enjoying the additional income from this project; hence why they are entertaining the possibility of releasing Classic TBC.

Cloning realms doesn’t require the additional hardware you think it would. It’s all done in a virtualized environment. Technology is different now than it was in 2006. You don’t need as much hardware. This would absolutely not be a factor in Blizzard’s decision-making process. Regardless of whether you clone realms or set up brand new realms, the end result is technologically the same.

I understand your point of view and your concern regarding the TBC economy and how that would affect the TBC gaming experience as a whole. In this case, the solution would be for Blizzard to ban people exploiting the economy in Classic now since it is a problem and affects realms currently. Then Blizzard can reset everyone’s gold upon progression to the TBC realms while simultaneously retaining all existing characters, titles, progress, guilds, etc. Also, if Blizzard were to open up brand new TBC realms as they did back in 2007, that would give many players the opportunity to re-roll on these realms and form new communities and economies.

You wouldn’t have asked me, if you didn’t think I was.

I just told you. And, you’re also the one being the most argumentative and trying to “correct” every little thing I’m saying.

First, you kept insinuating that I was trying to cease Classic from existing. Which I never did. Then, you wanted to insinuate that Classic and BC are the same game. They’re still not. Now, you think you’re being clever by asking me obvious leading questions, to fit your narrative just to continue arguing.

Now, I’m offended!


Since some people around here don’t seem to get my jokes :roll_eyes:

hopfully they do a mix a few sever’s start fresh and a few sever’s to copy your classic’s over cause I’m sure some people (mainly the onees’ with 30k gold) will wanna keep it and use there T3 on into 70 raids.

how about they treat it like a re-release of the original game so they can improve with a new engine on things they messed up in the past.

aka progress to tbc and if you missed the boat wait another 15 year for another classic re-release.

3/5 are good. PLEASE NOT 2. As for 4 would hope there is a way to declare i want all my current classic chars to stay in classic.

Could you explain in more detail what you mean by this? How exactly will it be exploited?

If you mailed an item to a friend, then transfered, you don’t transfer with the item you just mailed to a friend…so where is the duplication?