TBC Leveling

I played on Netherwing and Felmyst which are both 1-70 1x servers. The reason you want 1-70 1x is because the playerbase at 70 will be better than 58-70. You can’t (basically) give people free 60s. The endgame playerbase will be MUCH larger within a shorter period of time, but the crash will happen exponentially faster. People will clear content too quickly and the server will die. People that invest time into 1-70 are more invested and much more likely to continue playing.

What I propose is 1-70 1x for 3 months, then start introducing 2x on weekends so people will invest more time into leveling alts and reinforce the amount of people at max level on any given server; because the last thing anyone wants to do is level 1-70 1x more than once, however a 2x weekend incentive will make people dedicate more time to the game on weekends leveling alts, while also increasing the amount of groups below level 60 during weekend times. This will extend the life of TBC servers.

This doesn’t mean go overboard and start doing heirloom levels of XP gains. There just needs to be a nice little “Oh that’s cool” bonus to leveling an alt and people will do it. Same way it works with BG weekends.


TBC is amazing oh yeah :wink:


most want a 1 time copy of their 60 to the bc server. So we can still play classic and progress our 60 to 70.


Yeah I just a copy of my character, I do not want to start at level 1 to get through TBC again.


You are not getting some pirate server bonus XP jazz
THat’s what you go to the inn for.

Why do people post these threads knowing full well blizzard would just giggle and say hell no?


level 58 best way


I will probably roll a fresh toon
I only have this one toon, and i want one to remain in classic

They do xp bonuses on retail. They started it with wrath via heirlooms. That is where people are getting the belief this could happen. It is more realistic than you think.

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not in TBC it isn’t realistic

TBC is TBC, everything not TBC does not exist


Stop with this fresh stuff, no one wants it, its not authentic to any version of wow.


All this FRESH crap is from private server noobs who end up quitting anyway.


You probably won’t get to copy your character, though. Can’t think of a scenario where character copy wouldn’t be heavily exploited by players trying to duplicate items and gold by sending them around, or to friends, or alternate accounts before copying.

If we get to keep our characters it will probably be transfers. Unfortunately it’s kind of the only way to prevent that stuff.


free 60?

My 60 levels were not free, they were earned. Not being able to continue playing my 60 into TBC makes no sense whatsoever. That is not how expansions work. Make a server, copy the character to that server, the n we are good to go. The inability to do that is a deal breaker and, as said, negates the whole point of expanding.


Just gonna post this here:

This, it would be awesome to have your 60 on one server and the same character at 70 on another server so you could compare them side by side.

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No xp boosts. That’s way too “retail” and “private server” for Classic TBC. IMO we should get the most authentic experience to mirror what we had back in TBC. Also, rested xp exists for that reason, to give players a chance to level a little quicker.

I do agree with you regarding no free boosts though.

IMO there should be server CLONES, and the cloned servers become TBC servers, leaving existing Classic servers intact. Those TBC players would keep their progression, PvP titles, etc. Blizzard should also open up brand new TBC servers where those people start at level 1, just like they did back in TBC.


Some people are asking for a free level 60 character, mount, gear, enchants, double their gold, etc.

I don’t think we have data that suggests that that is “most.”


I would agree also.
Though for TBC, i will probably roll new and keep my druid in classic

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If there are servers where transfers/upgrades from Classic are restricted (i.e. not permitted for the first 3 months, or something), then I will roll new also, on one of them.

How many of those 1-70 servers still around?