TBC Leveling

Please stop fixating on the old Classic Server progressing over to BC. And read this part:

^ This is still a Classic Server option. Classic is not ceasing to exist. And those who want to progress their Characters into BC, can still to do so, when the old Classic Server progresses to BC. It’s not complicated.

Which is why it should’ve been available, when Classic launched. These phases give this false interpretation that Classic is some form of “progression” game. It’s not.

Yes. Again, Blood Elves, Draenei, Jewelcrafting, Guild Banks? Where can I access this, in Classic?

But the point of Classic is not to evolve.

No, TBC is World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade. Retail is World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth. They’re all named differently making them different versions of the game. They’re two different games.

That’s not a Character Copy. I want the characters I created in Classic (not Vanilla) over to Retail. Where can I do that?

I’m assuming because they’re different games, and those Private Servers are hosting certain versions/styles of the game. That’s just a guess, though.

No, you’re taking what I’m saying out of context. You’re so fixated on the sentence “the old Classic Server progresses over to BC”, that you completely disregard this point of my post:

I’ll paste it, again, just in case you want to keep cutting this part out:

EDIT: And why progress the old (keyword here) Classic Server host over to BC?

The question isn’t what you plan to do but what blizzard will allow the whole player base to do. I’m sure if blizzard tries to force all people to do that huge numbers of players will quit the game instead. For all the mistakes I think blizzard has made I doubt they will be that self destructive and stupid.

Would it make you feel better, if I said the Classic Server Data (characters, progress, guilds, etc.) gets cloned (one-time only, upon the release of TBC) onto the TBC Server option?

Either way, works for me and most other people, as well.

EDIT: Thank you for the new idea/option I didn’t consider. I learned something out of this conversation. Hopefully, you will, too.

It’s just to recreate some of the anticipation and what not from back then
only part of that i really cared about was the AQ gates leadup and final event, but i am fine with the rest of it as well.

More like different chapters in the same book

If blizzard allowed it you could, though you’d not be happy (probably)
because your character would go through a mass evolution and resemble
any other level 60 retail character.

Do they allow or offer it? No, it would be pointless at best.

Different cobbled emulations, possibly incompatible with each other
and no toolset like blizzard has for character conversions.
I am sure it is possible as it is all just software, but probably not remotely worth the effort.
Heck it does not even seem like any 2 pirate servers on the same wow version are even alike.

Hard to say.
Feedback from inside the game in city trade and lfg discussions seem to suggest that if they can take their 60, their gear, and at least some starter funds, they are cool.
But you would have to listen to people for days, on many realms, to remotely get any accurate idea of what most of anyone thinks.

Different games.

Ding ding ding ding, we have a winner!

I’m not saying it’s impossible. What I’m saying is that option is non-existent in the Private Server Community. Meaning, that they accept they’re two different games. The only case I heard about any character copy format was between Nostralius and Elysium. Only because they worked out some deal. Even then, it was Vanilla on top of Vanilla.

I can tell you that the wording will sound better to a lot of people.
You’d be surprised how many trolls rolled through game chat today
telling people nonsense stuff like blizz tallied the surveys and they are going to wipe the classic realms and everyone is going to tbc etc.

Not everyone got a survey, and some that did, did not open it in time and so can not see it, and suddenly you got a realm of upset people.

Personally, i’d rather go with letting characters move over, that wanted to move, along side those who want to start fresh.
(And it would be super cool if the transfer was enacted by walking through the portal :smiley: but it probably cant be)
And letting them create a brand new economy, but im also not going to have a fit if they just clone the player database and convert it to TBC.

For me personally, it wont much matter, i’d be entering tbc as a level 1
and by the time the economy matters to me, it will be already well underway.

I like my druid in classic, and will most likely leave him there and play him there.

You’re the only person who seem to not get it. Other people got it.

Not surprised, at all. That’s when I calmly chime in and try to diffuse the mass hysteria, before it gets worse.

I can understand why because not everyone got to participate in this poll (raises hand).

I think Blizz is going to go this route because they like the color green. Want to progress your Classic character? That’ll be $20, per character, please.

Why not?

I’m not opposed to fresh BC Servers with no character copies, like some people are.

Good! Because it’s the best solution for most people. I’m sure there’s naysayers that are a lot harder on the whole “different games” stance than I am, that’ll be opposed to this idea. Or, to use your words:

Can’t please them all.


And that’s your choice.

Far as i can tell, it seems to be.
I dont really follow those servers, so i could be wrong.

I dont know if it is a winner, just simply is.

No, not really.
Their initial idea consisted in them doing all of this in one shot.
Now i wont say it would have been exactly the same, because of course reality set in and dictated “You are not going to develop an MMO from Orc appearance to Frozen throne in one shot before you go broke from development costs!”
And so obviously that had to rethink exactly how they were going to deploy it, ambition meet reality.
And we know how it went from that point because we are here now.

Guess it depends on how you want to look at it.


Just take it.

Yes, really. BC and Classic are two different games. Let me know if you can make an Alliance Shaman or Horde Paladin, in Classic. The concept of the game is different.

And still be wrong about it. BC and Classic are not the same game. Now matter how much you want it to be.

Solution: [Any BOP gear, no duplicates (no mulitple same gear). No Mats, No consumes, no items, no gold]

So you can keep your characters progress, your gear and rare trinkets/bops. and this also solves the economy getting hit right out the gate. This is not exploitable in my eyes.

I think that if they go that route, there wont be any charge, at least for a certain amount of time, it would be to their financial advantage in the long term really.
Some times you give away a little to have a long term customer.

Mostly because it would require setting up an external process, hooking it to the portal event in the non TBC realm, putting a safety valve in the classic realm so i person does not accidentally leave, and believe it or not, putting in some kind of screen that says “THis toon has been logged out of WoW Classic on Realm ABC, pleas launch TBC Classic and join realm ABC-TBC to continue your journey”
Because someone would come back saying OMG my toon got logged out and deleted :rofl:

If you are reading a book, you can not have an event from chapter 20
in chapter 3 right?
When you get to chapter 20, it is still the same book.
Lots of things have changed by chapter 20 but you are still in the same book.

Like i said, the initial plan (granted, in hindsight not a very realistic plan) was that they were going to do this all in 1 shot, that is what they thought anyways.

If this were an alternate universe, where development funding just materialized when ever needed (and we all recovered from the shock)
and instead of needing to pack it, box it, and sell it with some kind of label on it, they just simply continued on, release a patch here, release a naxx there, release a character revamp patch, release some bug fixes and optimizations patches, release a dark portal patch relea…
… umm hey wait, whats this place?
Would you still feel that is was not the same game?

I really do hope I’m wrong because I prefer option 5 or 3.

Yes, games have continuations to continue their story, but we’re not talking about the story. We’re talking about playing a certain version of the game, still making it two separate games.


Well, you are entitled to your way of looking at it.
Though i am not sure if i would be scared, amused, or fascinated by your evaluation of everquest.
(EQ1 not EQ2, you cant even type those kinds of words in here)

It’s not an opinion, it’s a fact. What makes Classic, Classic? Sure, the story is part of it, but a lot of the gameplay mechanics count, as well. You cannot convince me that a game that doesn’t have Alliance Shamans nor Horde Paladins, and a game that has Alliance Shamans and Horde Paladins, are the same game because they’re not.

Probably because they’re irrelevant to the subject pertaining to Classic WoW.

And yet i can convince you that a game where AV WSG AB Naxx BWL Mauradon etc do not even exist, at all, and a game where c’thun slaughters people, wearing epic gear that never existed before, on an hourly basis are the same?

They kind of are in a way.
Everquest 1 has had to date, 26 expansions

Guaranteed that’s not what I said. You love twisting my words around. Classic and BC are not the same game.

I cannot comment on what I don’t know. Never played it so can’t comment on it. If you claim it’s like WoW, than I can only continue my same stance.

I asked a question and now suddenly your offended?
raar dit is :frowning:

Not offended. Just correcting your misinformation. Something you seem to like to do.

That literally is not a possible response to the question, you did not even answer the question, you got mad about something that did not even happen.