Targeted Corruptions and Faster Cloak Empowerment

I think you just don’t like the logic in play, I don’t see at all why you keep accusing me of not understanding you.

People who play enough to have all their essences have already enjoyed a sizable advantage for the last 47 weeks, and now they’ll have the gap closed-ish for 2 weeks against the very small amount of people who’ve accumulated 25k+ echoes.

It’s an edge case not worthy of working around. What do YOU not understand about that?

Wow, just confirmed the rotation is 4 WEEKS if it’s only 6 corruption per rotation. 4 weeks. That means those with 40k banked up are at a HUGE advantage as they will always be able to buy the corruptions they want before they rotate out. As for the rest of us starting at 0, we’re screwed if we can’t get enough for the corruptions we want if it’s on the vendor on one of the first rotations… Then we have to wait 4 WEEKS to have a chance to buy it again. So you’re not only 2+ weeks behind on echoes earned, you’re possibly 4 weeks behind on getting the corruptions you want…

Oh and btw the non timegated sources like mythic+ and arena broken… They did not recieve the 5x multiplier and still give prehotfix numbers (got 51 for a +17 instead of 255).


I don’t know how you can see doing the same work as someone else and not getting the same currency as being fair. It really is that simple. The vendors are up and the bis essence is on there so for example I am starting at zero and I will not be able to get the extra 3 or 4 extra of them this week that I would have if Blizzard just gave me the echoes for only the activities that I actually did that everyone else already got echoes for. So I will have to wait an additional 3 weeks for them to come up again.

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I’ve updated the OP in this thread:

Due to a technical limitation, items that were cleansed before this update cannot be re-corrupted. New items can be cleansed after this update and then re-corrupted.

More here.


Does this mean we can cleanse old items that were corrupted and re-corrupt them? But not items that were previously cleansed.


My cloak req for 10-11 is still 4 pages. Which is 1 run if you are extremely good but 2 runs for most people. I thought all of the multiple run reqs were turned to one.


Is it intended that alts without cloaks can no longer receive echoes from normal sources?
My alts that I was building up to buy essences on are no longer receiving them after the update.

I understand not needing to save up for corruptions before you have the cloak but it’s strange you added a new restriction for grinding essences on alts.

Something is amiss.
I was earning Coalescing Visions and Echoes of Ny’alotha prior to this, without having done the cloak quest at all. I am now only getting Coalescing Visions from the Uldum assault, no Echoes of Ny’alotha. I am in-between the two stages of Magni’s quest chain, have yet to accept “It’s Never Easy” to continue the chain in Pandaria. Just completed the Uldum assault today, no Echoes of Ny’alotha awarded. Total of Echoes of Ny’alotha for this character is 350, with 34K+ Coalescing Visions.
Without the cloak, the visions are worthless, but the echoes would be handy, except it appears you have killed those off from dropping for characters unless they’ve completed the cloak quest.

Patronizing git! You made the assumption, as so many in NA do, that you are the only region. My point was made because when Echoes were first put in place they were touted as a catch up option for alts. Short memory. Yes. Git.

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The entire cloak, and horrific visions was one of the most painful (not even close to fun) parts of this expansion.
Please also reduce the time involved even more in just getting the cloak. I have alts that another 1-1.5 hrs of uninteresting dialog per toon, tons of load times as you revisit areas, and fetch quests that no one wants to wander through, makes the idea of getting a cloak, let along upgrading, simply not seem worth it.

Sorry to hear that.

But yeah it is a punishing system based on RNG. Not sure how this is fun but I don’t see how it is fun at all.

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This needs to be THE FIRST reply under the blue post. Seriously covers the bases.

I gotta be honest, very casual player, mostly just dailies & raid finder. Essences have been confusing from the beginning, I just randomly got them for various quest/stuff I did throughout the expansion, I find out later from icyveins which ones I really need and maybe I do/don’t have those, and then all these changes keep coming out about how to buy them, how much they cost, etc. And then they add in corrupted gear, and then paying for that with a new currency, and now there’s ways to customize it, which is even more bizarre…

It’s been like this weird unfinished not-thought-out system from the beginning. I honestly want to get into the Shadowlands beta just to verify if all this craziness is in there so I know not to bother purchasing it later…


Any idea why they were there 30 mins ago on my main and now gone? just logged into my alt as well, same thing. were there and now gone.

edit after waiting a bit i checked again on my main and they are there. but my other toons are still no. dunno whats up with that.

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Bravo for Wakening Essences 2.0 Blizzard you once again prove that you do not learn and apparently cannot learn from your past mistakes. Keep up the good work!



It’s now live. The vendor is live.

My main before weekly reset had 0 echo’s because I played the game.
No compensation, no reimbursement of echo’s missed out on these past 2 months.

Blizzard yet again does not listen to their community, their paying customers, at all.

Thanks for the “fix”, incompetent monkeys.


Can someone explain to me how you have managed to screw up making a simple vendor? What is this rotating wares garbage, why exactly was this necessary? And no, i will not be grateful they made a vendor at all. Theres absolutely no valid reason why the vendor doesnt sell every single corruption all the time


MOTHER hasn’t done enough visions and doesn’t have the resistance required to hold all of the corruptions? :sweat_smile:

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Welcome to RNG vendors LMAO.