Tanking changes makes me not want to tank

I really hope kite meta isn’t coming back. I mained tank in SL and I absolutely hated that.

They need to be able to balance to where its imperative that a tank knows when/how to use those defensives and not just running away.

I am okay with there being certain trash pulls where kiting is the best method. i.e.: Maraudon green slimes in the OG days.

But people knew and were prepared for that. However, does something like that fit into the current meta? Probably not.

Not necessary to doom and gloom on something you can go look at the beta feedback forum and see isn’t happening, even at the beginning of this change.


You’ll be fine with your wife. You’ll build synergy and know how to handle different things. These changes really hurt pugs the most

The OP hasn’t even tested Tanking in Beta with these changes and I think that’s the case with a lot of posters.

DK’s have a right to worry and gripe though since they really need some changes to make this all work for them.

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That’s fair.

Do you feel that Prot Paladin also has that same issue since they are reliant upon self-healing as well as their myriad of defensive cooldowns?

I would imagine that any tank that has self-healing as a part of their defensive kit would have a problem. I am hoping that this is remedied elsewhere.

They are increasing HP across the board, right? I think I read that, but I am not 100% sure, so if I’m wrong on that, my bad.

Our issues will probably be easier to fix with tuning than BDK at least.

TWW gets like a 60% bump.

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That’s true. I think Blood may have the hardest issue to fix.

Right and an HP increase reduces the effectiveness of healing if mobs are still hitting too hard

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Yes and no. As as Evo, my heals got buffed recently, so it won’t be as big a gap.

But I understand what you’re saying. I would also say it can be interpreted as the tank have more health so you don’t have to stress heal as you know the HP pool can handle the damage.

That is the hope anyway.

My hope is that if you give a tank something like earth shield/riptide and toss a healing surge every once in a while they’ll be fine. But if we’re entering S1 and the healer is having to bomb the tank with heals for pulls that will push kite meta

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I can fully understand that and agree.

I know Blizz has had issues with tuning in the past, however; all we can do is wait and see. Voice your opinions of course, but it is ultimately up to Blizz.

But yes, I agree, kite meta was trash.

You have any thoughts of your own that aren’t ripped straight from reactionary streamers?

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Problem is things like WOG being mana-intensive and very small… you can’t afford to cast enough to do anything to that big health pool, so you’re hoping the healer has enough juice to keep you and everyone else up.

Basically very dependent on blizz actually getting the damage for the group tuned correctly and more buffs to wog or other stuff for the pally.


I can fully understand that. I apologize as I’m not keeping up with Prot Pal changes, but are there any word on if WoG will get HP buff or Mana Reduction to compensate?

If neither of those things, I can see that as being an issue for sure.

Not yet, but they’ve got a few weeks so :man_shrugging:t5:

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Well, I wish you all the best, friend!

Same to your wife if she’s a prot!