Tanking changes makes me not want to tank

Why are you guys nerfing tanks? Seeing the changes makes me for the first time not want to tank and join the masses and play a pure dps. Why did you not test these changes earlier in beta not a month before launch ?


I agree that it wasn’t exactly nice to nerf tanks and heals right before an xpac. I guess those of us who level in tank spec are going to have a really unpleasant time (coupled with how weak one tends to feel at the beginning on a new xpac, youch…)


What’s the highest content you do? Because I’m not seeing anything on this character, so I’m not sure what level you’re at. The only reason I bring it up is because I really think this is all going to depend on the level of content we all play.

For me, I doubt it’ll change much. My key range was deleted, so I’m a complete scrub now who probably won’t see any impact from this change.

For my friends who push 20 keys and raid Mythic, they’ll probably see some impact.

Thing is, we don’t really know how it’s going to affect us all and they may make changes again. So maybe we need to give this a try before we give up on tanking or even healing.

I did 20 keys on my dk and warrior before I took a break in df

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It’s just the current iteration of their devious long-term plan to have all the scrubs git gud.

Okies, so you may see some impact. But I still think we should see how things go. Give some good feedback once we can test it better.

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The way things are right now is fine tanking is fun


It’s fun but it’s not really fine though.

Tanks who are self sufficient made Blizz have to threaten DPS instead who then also needed more Defensives to keep from dying to burst.

That created a weird healing environment where Healers ignore Tanks but don’t have a chance to really save DPS who don’t use a defensive since the damage is a one shot. That’s a gross over simplification but basically true.

Whether Blizz hits the mark on these changes is the question. The next step is getting rid or at least heavily nerfing a lot of DPS DR and self healing.

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Than maybe dps classes should be less squishy but not super tanky. Don’t drag tanks down bring dps surviabilty up

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So don’t tank?

If things are so bad that tanks quit the role then they might consider rebalancing things. If they aren’t so bad that tanks mostly just roll with them then I guess it just isn’t that big of a deal?

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LOL did you miss the memo? That’s what they did and one of the things eventually want to dial back. DPS has too many Defensives and Self Healing now.

I’ll say it again. Get off the forums and go Tank some M+ in Beta instead of commenting about things you don’t have any experience with.


and what exactly would be the point of making changes like this? Mythic+ has always had one shots as you get higher. It’s why high keys aren’t fun for me

Taking a bit more damage is not going to change the leveling experience for a tank spec. It’s still going to be easy and fast. You are not going to notice these changes in the open world bro.

Can you imagine lol? “Er mah gerd that quest mob did 5k of my health instead of 4.7k of my health before I killed it! Why Blizzard nerf me?!?!?!1”

Players have been complaining about M+ this whole x-pac is why.

Well depends on when the one shots start happening. If Blizz is kind of pushing players to do content where DPS get one shot for mistakes and healers aren’t relevant then I would say that’s a mistake on blizzards end.

That’s the exact opposite of what Blizzard wants. Read the Blue post on their design intent.

There’s a bigger picture than just the tank changes. Their stated design goals sound good. Whether they achieve that or miss the mark completely is another story, but looking at only the tank nerfs isn’t useful without the whole picture.

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People like to spout off about “never nerf, only buff the underperformers” because it’s a feel-good solution that sounds like it would make everyone happy.

But that’s just now how game design works. You can’t just continually buff everyone anytime someone gets a little stronger due to a new addition or other balance change. Balance needs to be based around some level of expected performance for the content being offered. Work everyone toward the middle, not everyone toward the top.

Do you have any idea how ridiculous it sounds that you’re totally okay with tanks being demigods that don’t need assistance from anyone, as if that’s somehow acceptable in a game meant to be group-oriented?

Of course everyone likes being obscenely strong. Why do you think Twinks exist?

But that’s not what the game is designed around, nor should it be.

Go play a hack and slash or something instead if being told you should need help from your group to complete content is offensive to you.


I think you’ve got it backwards. This raises the required skill floor for tanks. Much more of a problem for us at the low end if everything is less forgiving.

Probably as ridiculous as people repeating as if 90% of tanks were actually capable of doing content at their gear level without needing a healer.

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The blue post made it seem a lot worse than it was. Tanks are still doing fine right now.