Looks like the changes to tanks reall hurt port pally the most

The update just nerf tank across the table but port pally got hit the worse. We are already heading into TWW pretty bad and the rnerf just makes port pally the worse it seems. Seems blizzard idea is to make tank like a wet piece of paper trying to tank. This and the healing nerf I am so glad I decided to gear up a warlock and mage just in case blizzard pull something like this last min.

Protection Paladin

Paladins have a balance of good defenses against both physical and magical damage. They can be in danger if they lose the defensive power of standing in Consecration or if the armor bonus from Shield of the Righteous drops, so we are not reducing any of their passive physical defenses like armor or block. Like druids, paladins have high uptime on their defensive cooldowns, so we’re pulling back some of their durations to make timing their use more important. We would like paladins to have slightly more self-healing, so we are increasing the power of Word of Glory.

Shield of the Righteous increases your Armor by 150% of your Strength (was 170%).
The damage reduction effect while standing in Consecrate of Mastery: Divine Bulwark is reduced by 20%.
Sanctified Plates’ armor increase no longer applies to bonus armor from Shield of the Righteous.
Improved Holy Shield increases your chance to block spells by 8% (was 10%).
The Dusk buff from Of Dusk and Dawn reduces your damage taken by 4% (was 5%).
Word of Glory healing increased by 10%.
Sentinel’s duration reduced to 16 seconds (was 20 seconds).
Eye of Tyr’s duration reduced to 6 seconds (was 9 seconds).
Righteous Protector: Holy Power abilities reduces cooldowns by 1.5 seconds (was 2 seconds).

We literally have one of the hero talent base on Eye of Tyr’s and nerfing it just makes it not worth playing it. So to get any game play we have to play Lightsmith now.

Sentinel’s duration reduced to 16 seconds (was 20 seconds). is more than just 4sec nerf since we can extand it so this is a major nerf


What? It does damage and if you have to save it for a tank buster. Reducing the duration isnt that big of a deal.

But yeah prot paladin got hit hard.

This has been the most out of touch changes I have seen to Paladin as a whole in a long time. Based off number out WoG and FoL will heal for about 30k more. We have 7.5Mil hp pools.


Not the mention there is like 1 and a half to 2 weeks before pre patch launch there is literally no time to test these changes in detail and have meaningful changes and adjustments before TWW launches

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R.I.P Protection Paladin, maybe it will be improved in Midnight.

It looks like they’re trying to make us more dependent on healers. All characters (not just tanks) are getting a huge 60% buff to stamina, so I’m unsure how that will go. I’ll probably try it and see how it goes since I do enjoy protection paladin best of all the tanks.

I don’t think they’re looking good right now. But blizzard has been on point with tankiness balance just not utility balance.

Trying to not doom too much over it since numbers aren’t final, but damn that stings.

dei hires who dont play the game at any level beyond lfr and m+2 back at it again


The hell does DEI have to do with this???


i looooooooove mindless s**** flinging, so good /s

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Every tank thinks they got hit the hardest.

I hate to be “that guy”, but I’m gonna because it needs to be said. When the whole group goes down and the tank(s) can go toe to toe with a raid boss for minutes at a time with no healer then tanks are too strong. They needed to be dialed down a bit for the health of the game and encounter design.


Sure. But in Blitz only 1 tank sees no success, and that exceptionally easy to kill tank got nerfed also. Pvp balance passes hopefully are coming.

Sure, but they way they implemented the change is horrible.

If you reduce personal methods for increasing health, but leave methods for reducing the amount of health lost, that means tanks can still be tanky AND rely on healers.

If a healer dies and the boss still has x amount of health left, without enough remaining mitigation the tank will die which means they’re reliant on the healer.

They gutted self heals AND defensives, that’s the problem