Tanking changes makes me not want to tank

I play every role bud

Then you should know that for healing to be fun, people have to be able to die.

As for tanks - who the heck knows what they want?

I don’t think what they want is healthy for the game, which seems to be “I can solo everything.”


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But can combatant Fauxstrasza go two for two?

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Your vision for healing is not the same as mine

How can you enjoy healing if people are unable to die? That’s just pushing buttons for the sake of it. None of it matters.

They should increase healer DPS to be more substantial and then it would matter

? People who want to dps, should just play DPS.

I am sympathetic to increasing healer dps to increase the disparity between a good healer and a bad one, but increasing healer dps just for the sake of it, no.

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I’m halfway to hammered and this still sounds crazy :rofl:

Both combatants are going blow for blow with no sign of slowing down!

This looks like it could go either way folks but the question still remains which of these two combatants will come out on top?

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I enjoy healer and I enjoy DPS’ing while healing. However, lately it feels like healing has taken a backseat (for the tank, not the DPS who forget what a defensive is) and that does need to be course corrected.

In S3 we (my wife and best friend) did low 20’s so nothing radically high but decent enough. I enjoyed DPS’ing when healing wasn’t needed. But there would be pulls where the DPS would die and shortly after, myself, and she could solo the entire fight.

I think that is what Blizz is trying to course correct. Now, my wife is a fantastic tank, but she agrees that its a bit silly, if not fun af, to be able to do that.

I just hope they do it right. That’s all I ask.

It’s been way over corrected on the beta. Not fun for anyone

Dps is a group wide effort

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It both is and isn’t.

DPS is primarily for dps players.

Healers contribute minimal amounts. (Would be fine to have parity with tanks.) But, the primary reason for playing a healer, is not for the dps aspect.

For healing to be fun, people have to be able to die.

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Agreed. Healer damage brought up would be nice. But tanks also single target buff would be great

? Tanks already do plenty of damage. Why do they need more?

I can agree that DPS is a group-wide effort, but if a healer DPS is the make or break and its not bleeding edge runs, it was doomed from the start, imo.

I haven’t seen the data from beta, I try to keep my exposure to a minimum as I want to be into it fresh. We’ll min/max it, no doubt, but I at least want to have that brief moment of “I know nothing” y’know?

If what you said is true, that’s problematic.

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I feel like if they’re going to nerf tanks in other areas then they need buffs to compensate.

-tank damage increase

-CD on taunt removal

-increased threat generation

Except, tanks do acceptable levels of damage already.

And the other two are unnecessary.

Not unnecessary if we’re going to be entering a kite meta to expect easier ways to hold threat

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It’s probably to slow down the m+/raiding season since people apparently don’t want to play for content and instead play for mount/cosmetic FOMO. EOD.


It’s a little disturbing that blizz is making such sweeping changes this late in development.

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