Tanking changes makes me not want to tank

Guardian Dru, but thank you! I’ll pass it along!

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Now when the TWW hits watch the posts of people crying due to lack of tanks skyrocket.


But there won’t be so many lack of healer complaints, so it’ll even out.

…no. World of Oneshots began because our defensive, control, and healing kits got insane, and the only way they could threaten death was to one shot. That isn’t changing. We’re still insanely powerful, so we’re still going to have threat of immenent death if we ever make mistakes, the only difference is that tanks have now joined the club. Can’t wait to slog through every dungeon one pack at a time.

Look at the tank class who benefits the most outta all of this

Unless you know what DeathStrike does, go be a loser somewhere else in your mismanement style of tank if you can’t earn 519+ rewards like your job

Naw Naw instead spend that energy being crap like you are

I could train 5 tanks that could be better than you with your attitude as a border

Right, because Tanks were self sufficient more damage had to be moved to DPS and Healers to keep the same pressure which then caused Bizz to increase self healing, DR and stops.

Only if Blizz does nothing to tune the dungeons based on these changes.

Real tanks won’t quit tanking over this. If you see someone whining about the changes, dismiss them for they aren’t a real tank.

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Yeah, man. That’s what I said. Or do you honestly believe Blizzard is going to meet all their tuning goals in the month before TWW launches? Lemme know, because I may have a bridge to sell you.

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English please?

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True, but it’s kinda funny that they specifically noted they were glad more people have started tanking, then dropped this, because those are the folks that will hightail it back to DPS.

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I mean, I’ve more or less just dabbled in M+ this expansion (mostly because this expansion sucks) and I can’t wait to go back into tanking in TWW. Right now it feels like two groups are in a dungeon, the tank is one group and the other four are another group.

This is a problem for super high end key runners and really, really awful players. There is no in between.

These are “power” gamers. They are only doing it because tanking has become woefully easy (affixes taken out of the game) and they are immortal. They are adding skills back into tanking and you are seeing really bad tanks have meltdowns.

Yeah, I shoulda put a “mostly” in there.

If they can get the tuning decent, it really leaves a very small outlier group on both ends, and really, at the low side, the healer can probably carry it.


Most important part/exciting part of healing is not letting them die

They should increase healer DPS to be more substantial and then it would matter


I think that is what Blizz is trying to course correct. Now, my wife is a fantastic tank, but she agrees that its a bit silly, if not fun af, to be able to do that.

I just hope they do it right. That’s all I ask.

Agreed more but this is racism/classism tier kind of nerfs

Higher keys it’s more adrenaline to keep people alive; ofc that’s at the group leader’s dicression but it sounds like you’re the not good player in your story

This can be a BFA revival and I hope that is the case. BFA M+ was the gold standard imo.

I just don’t see tank nerfs making things better for the other roles. As a DPS in M+, I like big pulls. Big pulls and big damage are fun. Chasing kiting mobs around in circles or fighting 3 mobs at a time doesn’t sound like an improvement, to me.


These are a lot of assumptions. Especially since Blizzard has already stated that they aren’t looking to return to a kite meta.

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They had a nice write up on why they are implementing these changes with the changes.


The smaller pulls part is probably going to play out.

Then they should probably stop writing dissertations about their intents and snap to it. Expansion launches in a month. Good luck.

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Another assumption here. Who says that they aren’t already? You think that they just had this idea and announced it a day later?

Can’t wait! Get me out of this trashcan expansion.

I don’t rely on it. Thanks anyways!!