Taliesen responds to homophobes about Gay shadowlands couple

Some straight people can’t either.

So can straight people.

Yes, equal.

reported for bigotry against normal people


No, that was illegal back then too. I’ll tell you what happened. There are programs set up to give assistance to minorities, usually established as a way to make up for existing imbalances. So if you were a minority, the person at the welfare office might have been able to divert some money to you even though you don’t qualify for welfare. Most white people have ways of procuring emergency funds that minorities never have. So some programs are there to help those who need it most.

At some point you just have to stop trying to convince people like this. Some people just can’t step out of their ignorance long enough to see they are wrong.

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not just that.
any buisness that maintains itself under a certain capacity still has the right to discrinate a person for their sexual orientation.

and before wise man comes with his statement saying we can all be discrimated against for those reason… Only one group is.

There are lots of signs. Which sign are you talking about?

Including straights.

Irrelevant. Again, just because it doesn’t happen doesn’t mean it can’t.

if it were happening to straight people there would be some reality to your agument but it isnt… its happening to gays, lesbians, and most of all trans people. there is no merit to your conversation if you dont recognize this.

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The sign about restrictions placed on the garden within CHOP.

Gee, homophobic nerds mad at Taliesin “pushing an agenda”. How groundbreaking. Happy Pride you guys!

can you reproduce with only the same sex as your self no. also you are equally protected under the law more so than people with disabilities. i have seen pleanty of people lose their kids to the government because of lies. gays have more rights than straights in some regards and less in other areas. i will say this dont ask for complete equality because that wont happen due to how reality works . im guessing your a united states citizen ima tell ya this you have more rights and privilages than pretty much every country on the planet. we citizens of the united states are self entitled “rich” ego maniacs most of which dont realise how great we have it.

shut up didnt ask plus ur straight

There is reality to my argument, there is none to yours unfortunately.

oh we were having a very bad time. his family was mad at him for getting married in the first place, so no help was coming from there. they were like… ya made your bed, sleep in it. haha. he ended up having to join the military. oh the horror stories. that was even worse.

Maybe this is semantics but I don’t know that I’d call that a reinterpertation. I’m taking that to mean they made a call on something, then years later went “wait, that decision is wrong, we mean X now”

i mean you did before you alt switched to your alt. also how do you know im not bi how do you know im not pansexual you dont so stop asuming.

Any sign that you are looking at pertains to the present situation, which is one of protest. It’s not setting up new permanent rules for a city.

you live in a world were you think equality is has always existed and i’m a gay man dealing with inequality and watching my people rise out of it.

screw you and your bull.

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It is a reinterpretation because the sex part was always viewed as gender but the recent decision also included sexual orientation since gender does play a role in that.

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ok straight