Taliesen responds to homophobes about Gay shadowlands couple

Kind of weird to protest inequality with…inequality?

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Please elaborate?

Please shut up.

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More than welcome to quote where I ever said this.

Sorry, I’m not gay.

Go do your nails, Girlfriend. :kissing_heart:

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I’ve been there. I joined the military too. I’m sure everything worked out for you just as it did for me.

You and Sabbia have been arguing about semantics this entire time. I don’t think you’re quite getting it, but please chill.

pretty much in everyways critize non straights you can get fired and mocked and put down do that to straight people no one bats an eye.

yeah but not before we had to dig thru garbage cans for aluminum cans we could recycle for five cents a lb. i mean they didnt pay much back then.

we are not arguing about semantics.
thats the game that people like him chose to play so they can ignore the realities of the real world.

dont telll me to chill about my rights. you chill.

Has anyone tried just… Not telling everyone you meet your sexual orientation? Seems like a lot of these problems could be solved by just not flaunting your private life.

I mean I’m into some weird anime stuff but you don’t see me telling my boss about it… xD


What did literally any of that mean?

Yes, you basically are. He’s telling you technically how the law is written. That straights could have been discriminated against. You’re saying it never happens (which he clearly agrees with by the way).

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1 you are arguing about semantics and 2 life isnt fair get over your self.

Emotions tend to get in the way of reading comprehension.

No justification is needed but pretending that being straight isn’t the default setting for a human is just ignorance on a scientific level.


You are obviously not looking anywhere past the surface to see what’s really going on. Some people are doing whatever they believe is necessary to bring justice and equality. It might not work, and it might not even be right, but at least have the guts to see what they are actually trying to do, rather than spin it into untruths such as “they are trying to resegregate the population.” That’s just stupidity.

first of all… no one wants to walk around telling people your sexual orientation.
being in love with someone and walking down the street holding their hand is not a private matter.

straight people dont keep their sexuality secret why should I

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Looks like I found a shill.

no need to argue to someone who thinks they are always right it isnt worth it.

this is devoid of the fact of WHY the law is writtent in the first place.

Lots of people do just that.