Taliesen responds to homophobes about Gay shadowlands couple

honestly i was baked and someone sent me a request…
i have no idea what guild i’m in!

Like I said before. I will respect them if they don’t remove this storyline in China.

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Ok, so if sexual orientation isn’t a federally protected class, then gays are equal to straights lol.


lets be honesty they will either remove it or change it.

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Sadly yes.

no one has ever been able to fire someone for being straight… go away.

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they altered wrath of the lichking a ton back in the day remember. all for CHI NAH lol

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There was nothing stopping anyone. Like I said, equal. Just because it didn’t happen didn’t mean that there was a protection for one over another.

people seem to get confused with equality of opertunity and equality of outcome . both are not possible which is the sad reality of this world.

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you can get fired because the boss doesnt want to pay another employee. you can get fired cause christmas is over and they dont need ya anymore. you can get fired cause someone accused you of inappropriate touching. you can get fired cause the boss had a bad day or he found out you believe in the tooth fairy and he hates the tooth fairy. you can get fired because the boss needs to replace you with a diversity option instead. the list is endless. they dont even need the excuse of who ya sleep with.

Ralph, you are a good dude.

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Who cares what that idiot says? He’s a hopeless and obvious shill that will defend anything and everything Blizzard does while lecturing or insulting their customers. People like him are pathetic.

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hes more socially unaware than people with autism i can say that due to having my younger brother having it.

More actually.

the people with the least rights are straight white married rich men with blonde hair lol jk jk.

well be happy there are protections.
so I cant fire boys from my company for being hetrosexual trolls.

there are reasons for adding people under a protected class. those reason involve discrimination. so even if there were no laws protecting heterosexual people from being fired it was because there wasnt any discrimination against those people. So even if there was not a direct law prohibiting firing of a person for opposite sex attraction it was not equal because they were not being discrimated against in the first place.

All additions to protectedd class people are because at some point they have been discriminated against.
all had to be applied to law because people of a class were persecuting them.

so no not equal.

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Jesus Christ. It’s like 2 lines in a fetch quest.

Blizzard is just doing it for a little virtue signal and to get Polygon to give them some positive coverage before they make them just really good friends in the Chinese version.

Why is everyone losing their minds over this?

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If we did that, schools would still be segregated. We NEED to learn, but most people don’t want to, and won’t on there own because most of us just hate change. After forcing a change, it just becomes the new normal, and people start to wonder what the fuss was all about to begin with.


I mean that Supreme Court decision said sexual orientation, not gays. As I said, equal.

Irrelevant when it comes to the law. As I said, just because it didn’t happen didn’t mean it couldn’t, hence equal.

Yeah, equal.

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Have you met people? They’ll beat the crap out of each other for wearing the wrong sports logo on their clothes.

Hell, people here will completely dismiss/mock others for the color of their forum avatar’s background.