Taliesen responds to homophobes about Gay shadowlands couple

Did I say they weren’t?

This is a conversation about them “thinking they’re important.”

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just because america is better than literal terrorists doesnt mean they should be excluded from judgement.

because i’m not thrown off a roof in america means i should be ok with them being able to fire me from my job…

NOPE and we werent and now you cant.
who cares about what those bigoted countries do as they scratch their heads and harm their citizens.

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Hence the “wouldn’t shut the hell up” comment.

so you dont think we’re doing good?

So the rest of the world are terrorists huh…

we are getting there but we are not done.
and i’m not settling for a country doing well. I want to be equal. THAT IS IT!

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i’m speaking of actual terroist countries that throw thier gays off buildings and anything above that is better.
however better is not good enough until we are all able to love, live, eat, breathe, work, at the same capacity

Gays already have the exact same rights and legal protections as straight people.

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we just got the ability to not be fired from our jobs because we are gay in america last week.
go do you research. google is right there!

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I mean all that does is support what I just said lol.

god its not my job to correct dumb straight people who refuse to see they are incorrect. so continue being ingnorant.

My job isn’t to educate lazy trolls. Its to make sure less of you exist.
have a nice day.

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i want you to be equal also. i’ve been warning my gay friends that this situation is being deliberately ramped up, not to help lbtq, but to make them targets. same for women. if you look at it objectively, you can see the social engineering is being massaged in such a way, that when the dust clears, women and gays will be among the most unpopular people on the planet, instead of the other way around.

for the last 30 years, lbtq have been celebrated. their music embraced, their culture uplifted, their books, movies and fashion, applauded and fawned over. now they call the very same people who celebrated them, embraced their genius, their enemies instead.

I mean I know the law, what do you know other than name calling and displaying your ignorance?

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Which is fine. But the catalyst for this conversation was “I watched them until they thought they were important.”

Tends to happen when Blizzard gives these fools a platform at Blizzcon.

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So? Let them. They’re idiots and we all know it, ignore them and let them rage and when they stop getting attention for it, they’ll shut up. Especially around here there’s a lot of backwards people with trash opinions, if you ignore them they eventually go somewhere else to get attention.

sexual orientation is not a federally protected class.
many states have laws that add that protection but many states don’t
goodbye troll

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im just dissing blizzard knowing how they claim to care about the LGBTQ community and than is more than willing to spit on them for other nations for easy cash my problem is blizzard being complete hypocrites


Your guild name is funny.